The Weekend

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Oh how you just wanted to go shopping at the mall alone, no disturbance, no one will be there to annoy you, nothing...until you saw your classmates at the opposite aisle of you. It was Miranda and Zoe, possibly the most energetic and noisy duo you ever met in Spooky high, but you look to the person following them and oh, it's Liam!

You wanted to say go there and say hi but, you rather have your alone time than bringing chaos in the mall and having a chance to get kicked out. So, you tried to go on all fours and sneak past them, but your dumbass forgot about you big ass ears floating by.

Surely they wouldn't guess the bunny ears belongs to you right? There's more than one bunny-type monster in the world...RIGHT? You quickly covered your ears at the last minute as you sweat at the idea of them ruining your calm and quiet shopping, you basically hope for the best. You tried to ignore your nervousness as you stopped by the art aisle.

As you examined one of the pastel pallet, you can clearly hears murmurs behind you, normally you would just ignore it and mind your own business. However, this time you can 100% guess that it's your classmates murmuring. How do you know that?

They weren't quiet enough, Zoe & Miranda were basically shushing each other loudly. When Liam tried to tell them something, they both shushed him in sync.You sweat dropped, 'They really need to improve their sneaking skills...' They went quiet all of a sudden, so you panicked. You're trying to use your ears to hear any sound coming your way, but no income.

You sighed in distress as you put the pastel box into your shopping cart and you continue your shopping spree.

NARRATOR( before arriving at the shopping mall)
It was a Sunday, Liam had been staring at his cover of a book he borrowed from a local library, he's been thinking back about the sentence Zoe told him about you. "You really missed him, don't you?"

That sentences kept Liam awake through the night, it's not like he sleeps anyways. He tries to push it away and pretend the sentence was never said nor happen. However it kept coming back to him and got Liam in a chokehold, but it finally went away as his phone rang with notifications.

Liam snapped back to his thoughts and reach for his phone, he was kinda(really) disappointed when the notifications is actually from Zoe and Miranda, and not from Aster. Now that he thanked about it, he didn't get your phone number, what a shame."Hey Liam, me and Miranda are planning to go shopping at the mall today! Are you coming with us?"

Liam was seen raising an eyebrow as he types his answer, "No." On the other side of the phone, Zoe and Miranda are sitting on a couch at Zoe's dorm, completely unfazed by the answer.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Miranda types in her phone, right when she was about to press the 'send' button. "Hold on, he'll give us the same answer just like the last time we asked him to hang out. Let me change it!" Zoe said getting a hold on Miranda's phone.

"Aster agreed to come with us, you sure?" And, sent. It was a few minutes before Liam was seen typing a message shown on Miranda's phone. Both of these ladies are watching Miranda's phone intensely, both hoping Liam will come with them.

"Still no, and I'm sure with my answer." Zoe groans in annoyance by Liam's dry answer. She sunked into her couch, extremely disappointed.

But wait, Miranda also had a plan readied if this doesn't go to plan, how smart! +2 smarts

She quickly types her answer and sent it, just a second after Liam's lame answer. "Are you sure sure? Did you even check if your house is in stock, especially your important sources of everyday, coffee beans?" Miranda chuckles deviously, giving her phone for Zoe to see.

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