A Potion Spell

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The moon went down as the sun rises from the sky, a new day had finally started. The light shines through the clouds, piercing through the the curtains of Vera's dorm, the light shines right above a known vampire's face. The vampire known as Liam, groan at the blinding light as he twist his body to the opposite side from the sun.

Liam blinked for a couple of moment, slowly adjusting to the surrounding of the room. He took a deep breath and tried to sit up from his sitting position. However his movement was unfazed as he was brought back to his original spot. He looks behind him as he realised, his beloved has his hands around him, cuddling him in his sleeps.

Liam smiled gently as he looks at his beloved features up-closed, his beloved is known as Aster, 'he looks so peaceful.'  Liam thought, he tried one more time with a bit more force to see if he can escape his beloved's grasp. In the end, he failed to do so as he was brought back to a laying down position, which was worst. Aster was heard groaning, not wanting to let go of his imaginary pillow. Liam sighs in defeat as he gives up trying, his annoyance was washed away as he felt Aster snuggling closer, nuzzling into his neck.

Liam's phone was near him so he decided to scroll through it. He glanced at Aster a couple of time, maybe snapping a few pictures of him. He looks over to see Vera, still slumped over her bed. These two lovebirds sat on the floor while "princess" here slept on her "queen bed", what a generous friend. After a few minutes passed by, Aster had started to swoon, finally waking up from his slumber. Liam puts away his phone, turning around to face him. "Good morning love.", he said cupping Aster's face, Aster hummed as a respond while leaning into his boyfriend's hands.

Aster opens his sleepy eyes as he smiled at Liam, taking his chance to move his head forwards, successfully connecting their lips together. Liam's eyes was shown surprised with pink-tinted cheeks, but soon melts into the kiss. As the both of them parted, Aster sits up from the floor, being the physically stronger one, he pulls up Liam to his side easily. Aster smiles cheekily at Liam who puffed his cheeks in respond. Aster yawned still half-awake from his sleep, asking his beloved vampire "Did you sleep well Liam?" He looks to the side, "As cheesy as it sounds, with you by my side, I surely did." As soon as he said that, a faint "BOooooo..." was heard behind them.

They both turned their head behind them, seeing Vera looking at them unimpressed. "Not in front of me please, if you're gonna make out-" Liam rolls his eyes as he cuts her off, "-go in another room. Isn't that the second time you said it?" Vera huffed as she got out of bed, and towards the bathroom. Aster chuckles that she got all pissed off in the morning. "Did you sleep well, princess?" Aster asks Vera, she turned her head, not stopping on her tracks. "That's 'queen' to you, and yes I did. I'm glad someone actually asks, unlike somebody." She said, giving a glare at Liam.

"I...supposed we go back to our own dorm, shall we?" You asked, now that Vera is not in the room. Liam gave you a simple nod, you got up from the floor and stomped on the ground. As you were about to hop into the rabbit hole, you were stopped by a pull on one of your ears. You winced in pain as you turn to look at Liam. "You know you could have just talk to me-", you were upset that he did that, but he suddenly got all close to your ear.

"I'm disappointed that you didn't call me those kind of nicknames when I woke up. What's all that about?" He asked sternly as he looks at you in the eyes, his hand now holding the back of your head. T̴h̴a̴t̴ ̴l̴o̴o̴k̴ ̴m̴a̴d̴e̴ ̴y̴o̴u̴ ̴f̴e̴e̴l̴ ̴t̴h̴i̴n̴g̴s̴ "It wasn't that serious love- It was a joke to call her 'princess', cause you know, she woke up from a queen sized bed- I thought it was funny to nicknamed her that-" You tried your best to explain while getting stared by your beloved. You face started to feel red as you're trying hard not to think those sort of things(iykyk). You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt Liam massaging the ear to ease the pain. "I understand, but I would appreciate it if you call me that sometimes." , he sheepishly said, feeling bad for pulling on your ear too hard.

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now