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As you are petting Scott's head like the good boy he is, Miranda came into the library in a hurry. You waved your hand to catch here attention. As soon as she see that handsome face, she grinned as she jogs over.

"Hey you three! You don't mind if I talk to Aster for a bit yes?" She asked, one of your bunny ears went down as the other stay up. "Why, if I may ask?" You asked Miranda, Scott pouted at the idea, "Yeah! Why only Aster? He's busy giving Scott some head pets right now." He embraced you in a hug, not wanting the pets to end.

You chuckled at Scott's behaviour, "Fine fine, I'll tell him here geez..." Miranda grumbled as she puffed out her cheek. She walks over and sat down elegantly, turning towards you. "So, I heard from a specific someone that you wanted to join the performance one day at the auditorium." Liam looks up from this book, raising his eyebrow in question. "Oh uh, yeah. Did Vera told you?" You asked Miranda nervously.

"Yep! Lucky for yooouuu, I got a role that is just perfect for you!" She chimes with a piece of paper in hand, as Miranda hands you a note of the new role that you will be performing at the auditorium. You read the words in your head, eyes going side by side as you go down the paragraphs.

"...excuse me?" You blurred out,"What, what kind of role is this?" You asked at you hit the paper in confusion, wanting answers from Miranda. She waves you off as if the role is suitable for you, and that there's no questions will be asked. "Well, you did sign up for it right? No take backs." Miranda said as she smiles innocently. IS true that you wanted to perform a role in drama. The role you have is interesting, not gonna lie, performing as a assassin is badass itself. An assassin that had a mind to kill the main character, you're still cool with that. You squinted your eyes at the last information of the assassin role.

" assassin was supposed to be the main character's arch nemesis, why does the assassin falls in love with the MC?" You asked Miranda once again, she leans over to you and bops your human nose. "Silly, there's a thing called, "Enemies to Lovers"." She simply said, you stare at her blankly.

"I mean, you could've give this role to that monster hunter girl over there." You point your thumb at the girl you mentioned, that is sitting in front of the Library computer. "Well, I would. But she'll just focus on the 'assassination', and not the 'falling in love' part." You hummed in respond, "That is true..." You trailed off your sentence, letting the silence fills the room.

"Well, do you wanna try on your outfit? I specifically order an assassin outfit just for you." Amanda chirped, grabbing you arm and pulls you off your seat. You nodded your head since there's nothing more to do, plus you're bored. You hold in a laugh as you felt a tug on your waist, you looked down to see Scott giving you puppy eyes. You smiled softly as you gave Scott one last pat on the head, "I'll be back soon, don't worry mate."

Scott let out a whine, before letting go of your waist. Liam rolled his eyes as he passed Scott a box of Scott snacks, his eyes sparkled as he embrace Liam in a huge hug. Scott rubbed his face against Liam's, thanking him a couple of times while Liam pry Scott off him. You and Miranda shared a laugh, you gave a Liam a thumbs up before letting Miranda drags you away.

As you two walked down the hallway, a man came over to have some words with Miranda(in a flirtatious way of course). Miranda waved at the man, perhaps she knows him. "You don't mind if I talk to her alone for a moment, do you?" You shook your head as you smile, Miranda lets go of your arm before letting the man lead her somewhere else.

You watched at the way the man put his hands on Miranda's shoulder, you felt like you shouldn't be watching this as it's weird and personal. You tensed up as the man's hand slowly made his way down Miranda's back. You don't think Miranda noticed this as she talks about something that's fascinate her, the man nods his head as if he's actually listening to her, but by the eyes of this man.

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now