Chapter 12: The Warren

Start from the beginning

“What're those supposed to be for?”

“Just trying something out, you know, spreading the word about ya, what you're doing. Which one do you like?”

I think to myself.

Maybe I can sway how people view me. Being loved would be way easier to deal with, so I point at the blue poster depicting me leading people.

“That one,”

“Right on! I'll print up more of those and start hanging 'em all over the city! It's going to be awesome!”

I laugh to myself.

“Zeke is never gonna believe this one,”

I continue heading down the street.

After about 10 minutes I find the thing that killed Dwight.

“Finally found your sorry ass,”

It looks at me, then metal flies from it’s back and forms into metal spiders.

“Oh shit,”

They rush towards me. I charge my leg with electricity and start to kick the spiders but more keep coming.

I rush through the spiders towards Dwight’s killer. I jump and dropkick him in the chest.

I crouch and build up static electricity in my feet. After a few seconds I release the built up energy and I launch in the air. While I’m in the air I build energy in my fist and when I reach the ground, I punch him in the gut. This knocks him out.

All around me the metal spiders fall apart.

I call Zeke again.

“Hey Zeke, I took care of the guy who greased Dwight. And just so we're clear, this was a one-time thing. I'm not gonna help you score every time,” 

“I hear you, brother. I owe you a big one,”

He sounded excited as he hangs up the phone.

“Alright, time to head for Roger,”

I turn and start running for Valentine Park.

When I arrive, I climb a nearby building for an aerial view.

I call Trish and she picks up.

“This doesn't look good. I think I found Roger. He must've done something to piss these guys off, because Dust Men are all over him,”

“There's a rumor going around that the Dust Men are kidnapping engineers and mechanics, using them as slave labor. The worst part is that they publicly execute anyone who refuses to work. If they've got Roger, you have to take them out at the same time, or they'll kill him,”

“Don't worry, I'll handle it,”

There are 5 Dust Men. In a normal fight it’d take me about a minute to take that amount out, that’s too long they'll shoot Roger.

I hop down and sneak toward the park. I have to take down the Dust Men before they can shoot Roger.

I take slow and deep breaths, simultaneously time starts to slow down. When I believe time was going slow enough, I throw a grenade at a group of 3 Dust Men and run toward the last 2 and take them out.

I run up next to Roger.

“You're that guy, aren't you? The one with the powers?”

“Yeah... listen, are you Roger Miller? Trish Dailey sent me. She's hoping you can fix the Stone Canal Drawbridge,”

“Trish? She's stuck in the quarantine, too?”

“Afraid so,”

“Hell. Used to go camping with them, you know. Kind of fell out of touch when her old man got transferred upstate. What about Amy? She make it out?”

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