Chapter 28: Attacked

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Kamila's P.O.V.

School was over for the day and I was in my room doing my assignments and listening to my music. Then there was a knock on my door. I continued doing my work, choosing to ignore the knocking on the door. Then the knocking got louder and I groaned. I got up and walked over to the door to shut up whoever it was. "What the Op... Ugh" I blacked out as some kind of gas hit me.

Jaxson's P.O.V.

I walked up the stairs and saw Kamila faint. A dark figure was standing over her and reached down to pick her up. I blasted the figure's hand with electricity and they jumped back. They looked at me and slowly approached me. I looked and saw that it was a male. I got into a fighting stance and blasted them again with a stronger blast. He took the hit and continued to walk towards me. I started to back up and the figure advanced further. Then he cried out and fell to the ground. Kamila had woken up and shot him with her shadow powers. Then she fainted. I jogged over to her and slowly picked her up. Then I pulled out my fone and called Robin. "Yeah, Robin. Um, didn't you take a health course last year?" I asked her. "Um yeah. I did." She responded. "Why?" I looked down at Kamila and carried her to the living room. I set her down on the couch and continued talking to Robin.

 "Someone attacked Kamila and I don't know what to do." I told her. There was some shuffling on her side and I walked to the toilet room. "Where's the First-Aid kit?" I asked Robin. There was some static then she answered. "The First-Aid kit should be in the kitchen." She told me. I sighed and walked to the kitchen. "But," Robin called. I stopped and she continued. "Just put a cold cloth to her head if she's too hot." Robin instructed. "If she's too cold, then cover her with a blanket and place a warm cloth over her forehead." I walked over to feel Kamila's forehead. "She's burning hot Robin." I told her. Kamila stirred in her sleep and whimpered. "Alright. Get a cold cloth and place it on her forehead." I rolled my eyes and muttered something under my breath. "I heard that!" Robin yelled. I sighed and got a cold cloth from the fridge and walked over to Kamila.

"Uh, Robin." I said. "It's not that hard man!" I was just staring at the empty couch. "She's gone." I muttered. I heard something fall behind me and I slowly turned around. There Kamila was, floating in the air and her eyes were glowing red. "Robin, how far are you?" I asked her, starting to back up to the front door. Kamila's head tilted to the side and she smiled creepily. "I'm here. Me and Iven were grabbing some supplies." As Robin said that, Kamila lifted the couch with her shadow powers and threw it at me. I dove out of the way, dropping my fone as I did. I dove for the fone and managed to get into the wires as electricity before Kamila got me. She picked up the fone and walked to the kitchen.

"I do wonder," She said. Her voice had changed to a slithery female voice. "What would happen if the device that you were in was to get wet." I heard the sink turn on and stretched my power to find any other source of electricity I could get into. "This will be fun." She turned on the water in the sink and a part of the fone was drenched with water and pain flared in my left leg. Then, I felt Robin's fone and instantly dove for that one. "Whoa!" She cried. I fell out of her fone and gasped for air. "Hey, bro. Are you alright?" Iven was pating my back as I slowly calmed down. Robin was frantically typing on her fone and Iven helped me stand up. "She wanted to kill me." I whispered. "Jas is on her way." Robin said. "I've started the power down lock on our dorm room. She can't get out in any way." I nodded and looked down at my leg. "There's a burn. Jas can heal it when she gets here." Iven said. I shrugged and winced.

"Max said we can go to his room." Robin called out. We walked to Max's room and Robin knocked on the door. Max opened the door and we all walked in. Their room was so different from our own, but I didn't have time to evaluate it. The burn on my leg flared up an intense amount of pain and I cried out. "Get him on the couch now." Robin commanded. All their words blended into the pain and I faded in and out of consciousness. "I'm here! How bad is it?" That was Jade's voice. I looked at her through my blurry eyes and slowly faded back into unconsciousness. When I woke up, I was in a new room and Jas was in a corner writing something on a clipboard. "Jas?" I whispered. She stopped what she was doing and smiled at me. "Hey Jaxson. How are you?" She asked me.

I looked around and shrugged. Then I saw a large tube with Kamila inside of it. "How did you get her in there?" I asked Jas. She walked over to the tube and lightly touched it. Kamila's eyes opened and she whimpered. "Just a little longer Kamila and you'll be back to normal." Jas said, in a soothing voice. Kamila nodded and closed her eyes.

"So how did you get Kamila into that tube?" I asked her. She looked at the tube and shrugged. "I'll tell you how." She said and sat down at the edge of the bed. "In the next chapter." I looked at her in confusion. "The next chapter? What do you mean by that?" She looked at me confused. "Jaxson, I said that I'll tell you tomorrow." I blinked twice and looked at her. "You might have a concussion." I nodded and immediately regretted the action. "Just rest. I'll tell you how we contained Kamila tomorrow." She laid me back down and I closed my eyes. I relaxed into the darkness and drifted off into slumber. 

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