Chapter 19: Cupcake

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Kamila's P.O.V.

Sean was at the door with one of those flower bracelet thingies and I knew that this night would be a nightmare. I smiled at him nervously, completely aware that my friends were watching us. "This is for you Kamila." Sean said. He took my hand and pushed my bracelets up to put on the flower bracelet. I smiled at it and all my doubts were pushed away. "Thank you for this Sean." I said happily. "May I come in?" He asked. I nodded and moved out of the way to let him in. We walked towards the others who were looking at us with mixed emotions. Robin and Jas looked confused, Jaxson and Max looked pissed, and Mateo and Iven had zero emotion. I blinked twice and stared at them.

"I forgot to tell y'all that Sean asked me to the party." I said happily. They all glared at Sean and I felt so lost. "What's wrong?" Jaxson looked at me, confusion written all over his face. "You mean you don't know?" He said. I saw Max was still glaring at him and I just sighed. "Well look at the time!" Sean said nervously. My happiness disappeared for a second then returned again. "It's time for us to depart." Sean said. He tugged my arm, the same one that Mateo had roughly grabbed and the pain erupted from my arm. I winced but Sean didn't notice. "But Kamila, you said we would go together." Robin said sadly. I was about to respond when Sean did it for me.

"Well as her date, it makes more sense for us to go with each other than with you guys." Sean said. I looked from my friends to Sean and my friends again. "Guys." I said, cutting through the tension with a knife. "I'll just meet you there." I compromised. Jaxson shook his head and crossed his arms. Robin sighed and looked away from me. My soul felt torn between the two options I had. But before I could dwell on my mixed emotions anymore, I was whisked away from my dorm room and my friends. The whole walk to the party was quiet until we got to the building. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful in that dress?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head.

He looked over my outfit and frowned at the slit in my dress. "What's wrong Sean?" I asked. He brushed his hair back and looked at me through tired eyes. "Nothing, you look beautiful. It's just..." He said. I had the urge to do whatever he wanted to make him happy. "What is it?" I asked. He looked at the slit in my dress and back at me. "I just didn't take you as the type of girl to expose your body like this." He said. I had a moment of doubt then I felt ashamed. "I thought it was pretty." I whispered nervously. He smiled. "Yea it's pretty, but it's not your style." He said. I wanted to cover up my body and hide under a blanket.

"Well it doesn't matter." He said, shrugging. My confidence came back at that sentence. "Just ask me next time so you don't look like a villain or something." He said nonchalantly. I blinked twice and nodded. This felt familiar and I couldn't place where I've felt like this before. We walked in and he took me to a table. I wanted to dance but he didn't want to so we just went to sit down. "Kami!" Chinenye had a huge grin on her face and I smiled at her. "Hey Chinenye. How ya doing?" I asked. She smiled and shrugged. "Oh it's been good." "Just don't eat any of the snacks." I looked behind me and Robin was there with Iven, with his bright yellow hair, and was eating a cupcake. "Jaxson did something to them." Robbin said, shrugging. I pointed to the cupcake and she laughed. "I took out whatever he put in it but it was hard." She complained.

I laughed and felt an arm go around me. "What's so funny?" I looked up at Sean and gave him a tight smile. "Robin was telling a story about her sisters." I said nervously. "Don't you wanna dance?" Iven asked me. I was about to say yes but Sean interrupted me. "Nah, she's fine. She doesn't like dancing anyway." I took a strand on my hair and started twirling it. Chinenye has known me for a while so she knew that wasn't true. "So, you don't want to dance?" Jaxson, with his pink hair, came up to us with a smirk. He had a cupcake in his hand and a smirk on his face. "Kamila, I heard that you like sweet things, so here." He said, handing me the cupcake. Before I could take it, however, Sean took it from his hands.

"Kamila doesn't want it. You know the saying, ''A moment on the lips and a lifetime on the lips." Robin and Chinenye gasped and I felt something and nothing at the same time.Jaxson shrugged. "Then you eat it." He said. Sean took a bite of it and finished the cupcake in a few bites. Jaxson smirked and Sean looked a little sick. "What was in that cupcake?" He asked, hissing in pain. "Just the regular ingredients. "Flour, sugar, the powder that makes you constipated." He looked horrified and ran to the bathroom.

Jaxson's P.O.V.

I had made sure that the bathrooms would be packed so this douchebag would leave Kamila alone for a while. She blinked twice and seemed to snap out of a daze. "I need snacks." She muttered. "Nope! Absolutely not." Robin held her arm gently to prevent her from making a mistake. I chuckled and looked at the long line for the boys bathroom. "Um, thanks Jaxson." Kamila muttered. She still seemed a little out of it, but alright. "Great! Now let's dance!" Chinenye yelled. She dragged Kamila to the dance floor where they danced the night away. The rest of us joined them and had the best dance. "Let's get some pics!" Kamila yelled. 

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