Chapter 7:"Bitches be Bonkers."

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Kamila's P.O.V.

After visiting Robin I walked to check out my room and squealed in joy. It was perfect. It matches my personality perfectly.

 It matches my personality perfectly

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Kamila's bedroom

All the purple was amazing. And the color could change at will. I noticed that my suitcases were there and I smiled. Instead of unpacking right away, I took off my backpack and unloaded my devices onto the desk that was underneath the bed. I started charging some of them and pulled out my first suitcase. It was loaded with books. I placed the books where they belonged. After that, I unloaded my other suitcases with my clothes into the closet. The drawers that were also stairs were for my shoes. I explored my bedroom and crashed on one of the many couches in exhaustion. I sighed and walked out of my room. I needed to explore the apartment. I saw Jaxson leaving his room, which happens to be next to mine, and I sprinted down the hallway to the stairs. I rushed down the stairs and turned a corner. I don't know why, but I couldn't be near him. Not because he was a villain, but something just made me want to be far from him. And I don't know why.

I saw a hallway and walked down it. There was a work room for all of us to use. "Why are you running?" I turned around and glared at Jaxson. "No, I was walking quickly." I said, while rolling my eyes. He smirked and started to corner me. My back hit the wall and I gulped. "What do you want, chocolate?" He asked in a husky voice. I gulped and he bent down closer to me. "What do I do to you?" I felt my face heat up and I couldn't move. He pulled away and walked down the hallway. "Oh! And by the way, there's a gameroom at the end of the hallway." I nodded, not being able to find my voice. He walked into the gameroom but not before winking at me.

My face heated up and I walked away. "I can't even explore by myself without being interrupted." I muttered.

Jaxson's P.O.V.

I knew what I did to Kamila was a playboy move but I couldn't help myself. I walked into the gameroom fully aware that she was staring at me. It was a nice gameroom with a giant flatscreen, controllers, and other gaming stuff.   

The game room

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The game room

I texted Iven to meet me in the gameroom and got his response. He would be there shortly. He and Mateo walked in talking about shit and I was playing one of the games on the telefection. "Sup my guy!" Iven said, ruining my perfect shot. I growled at the missed shot and he was laughing. "You suck!" He cried. I turned to tackle him and we westled for 5 minutes. During that time, Mateo had the time to change the game to a soccer game and he had already started playing. We both glared at him and he looked at us innocently. I sighed and heard footsteps. "Is that the girls?" Iven asked. I got up and sneaked towards the door. They followed me and I held up a hand. We could hear their breathing.

"It's not them." I muttered. Their eyes went wide and a scream was heard. We ran and there wasn't anyone in the hallway. "Iven, check upstairs. Me and Mateo got the living room." They nodded and we separated. "Guys! Up here!" We rushed upstairs and saw him holding Robin. She was unconscious in his arms. "Where's Jas and Kami?" Mateo asked. Iven shrugged and stood up with Robin in his arms. "I'll take care of this one." He muttered. There was a crash and jas was thrown out of a room. Both Mateo and I ran to the room. Jas opened her eyes and tried to get up. "Who did this?" Mateo asked. Jas opened her mouth to answer but a flare of shadow magic came from the room.

"Was it Kamila?" I asked. She shook her head. Kamila walked out, looking like shit. "When I find that fucker, I'm going to turn him inside out." She growled. Her eyes were glowing red, but slowly went back to her dark brown eyes. "Who attacked you?" I asked, confused. "It wasn't an attack per say." She muttered. She walked towards Jas first and healed her. Then she healed Robin. "An ex messed with my weapons and they went haywire." She said nervously. "They walked in while I was unpacking my supplies, I mean weapons and they attacked them." Iven looked at her weird and Robin opened her eyes. "Ew. Gross. Why are you holding me?" She snarled. He let go of her, muttering something about not helping her again, and Robin walked towards Kamila. I thought she would hit her, but instead, Robin pulled Kamila and Jasmine back into Kamila's bedroom. They closed the door and left us guys stranded.

"Bitches be bonkers." Mateo said. I heard laughter from inside the room and rolled my eyes. We walked back downstairs, but went to the kitchen instead of the gameroom. "Bruh! I need food!" Iven groaned. We opened all the cupboards and heard giggling from the stairs. The girls came down and Kamila shushed them. "We're going to take Kamila on a tour of the school." Mateo was leaning on the counter and Iven was sitting on one of the chairs. "Why can't she go? Aw, does baby need help?" Mateo said, smirking. Kamila ignored him and Robin flipped him off. Jasmine snickered at Robin's reaction and they were about to walk out. "Wait! I forgot my keybard." Kamila said. She ran back into the room and jogged up the stairs.

Robin used this time to walk up to Mateo and whisper something harshly to him. All the color drained from his face from whatever she had said and he frantically nodded. She walked back down with a mini pink backpack and a smile on her face. "I had also forgotten my fone." She said with a shrug. The girls left for their tour, leaving us guys sto our own devices. "Like I said before, bitches be bonkers." Mateo said. We laughed and went back to the gameroom.

I will explain all these weird words after chapter 10, promise. 

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