CHAPTER 3: Weirder things

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Jaxon's P.O.V.

Two hours later (Yes I skip this plane ride. To summarize the two hour plane ride, they all fell asleep. The snacks had sleeping pills in it.)

"The plane will be landing in 5 minutes. PLease fasten your seatbelts unless you would like to be zapped and sucked through a black hole." Seatbelts could be heard being put on and I chuckled. "Please tell me that you're waking me up because it's the end of the world." I heard Kamila's voice from behind me growl at someone. "The plane lands in five minutes and you could be sucked out into a black whole." I didn't hear any response from Kamila. "Whatever." She muttered. I couldn't help but smirk. I woke up Mateo who hit Iven. I snickered as they bickered. "The plane is now landing." The wheels hit the ground and I heard someone cry out. It came from behind us. We all turned to look at them and was surprised at the sight. There was a shadow cat on the ceiling of the plane. "Here kitty kitty kitty." The darker one of the two said. I think her name is Jasmine.

The shadow cat dropped into my arms and purred. She curled up and fell asleep. "Who's the cat?" Iven asked. Robin was laughing at the cat, who seemed to curl up tighter. "The plane landing scared Kamila so she shifted into a shadow cat." I looked down at her. I thought only villains had shadow magic. Mateo said my thoughts out loud. "I though villains had shadow magic." I started stroking her without knowing it. "Awww! You two are so cute!" Jasmine's exclamation woke Kamila up who did a stretch. She seemed to glare at everyone before looking at where she was. She glared at me and jumped down. She sat on her own seat and shifted back. "Not. A. Word." She growled. People started to leave the plane and she slowly picked up all her stray things. "Life sucks." She muttered.

Jasmine's P.O.V.

My power is the ability to copy the ability of anyone or anything I touch. I can also communicate with animals. So when Kamila was a cat, I understood what she was saying. She was scared, because the loud plane noise brought up an old memory. I promised not to tell, which caused her to jump into Jayden's lap. "I feel safe here." She had told me. I thought that was cute and made a comment about it. "Awww! You two are so cute!" Which woke her up. She seemed not mad but a bit calmer. "Not. A. Word." I smiled. She was frustrated. I learned how to read even the most unreadable person. I grabbed my backpack and waited for Kamila. Robin did too. She got up and stretched. "Didn't you stretch enough as a cat?" Jaxon asked. I hadn't even noticed that they were still there. Kamila glared at him then smiled. "I hope we share a dorm." She chirped. "Why?" He asked. Her smile grew as she said, "So I can make your high school experience hell." She walked away and he stared after her. "Are we sure that she's a hero?" He asked.

I laughed and looped arms with robin. "Come on! Let's catch up to our new bestie!" I yelled. We got off the plane and looked around. "There!" Robin called. We could see her emo backpack in the crowd of students. We jogged up to her and tapped her shoulder. She jumped and almost decapitated us. We barely managed to duck in time. "Sheet! Sorry." She said. She pulled us up then continued walking. Then something clicked in my head. "Did you just say sheet?" I asked her. She turned to look at us and smiled. "I don't really like cursing. My mamá always said that when I'm really angry, I curse." She said with a shrug. I made a mental note of that and we walked out of the airport. Students from other academies were starting to swarm the airport. We managed to get outside before being trampled alive.

Kamlia started laughing. "What's so funny?" Robin asked breathlessly. It took Kamila a while to stop laughing, but when she did, there was a spark in her eyes. "We just passed the first test of having powers. Crowded airports." WE started laughing with her and walked to find the Power Academy bus. There were some students there and Kamila looked nervous. "Don't be nervous Kami! You'll be fine!" I said to her. She looked at me and then stood up straight. "I'm not nervous because of them. I'm nervous because of my many plans." We looked at her, but she just smiled. "You;ll understand later." I accepted that, but Robin kept asking questions. Kamila didn't answer a single one. We got on the bus and walked to the back. "Um, hello?"

 "Um, hello?"

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Kamila's P.O.V.

"Um, hello?" We had sat down, when someone called for our attention. "Those are our seats. Move, now." I looked up at a barbie doll and her plastic friends. Only one of them looked real. I started looking around, hoping that she'd fall for this. "Um, what are you looking for?" Snobby rich daddy's girl, who has never done anything for herself. I smiled at her and said, "I'm looking for a darn to give you, but I can't find one." The actual girl in her group chuckled but covered it with a cough. Robin and Jasmine snickered and I gave her an innocent smile. Her face went from barbie tan to tomato red. "And she creates a new race. Tomato red." Now Robin was dying of laughter and Jasmine was very poorly covering up her laugh. "Come on Tiffany. Just find another seat." She huffed and glared at me. "You're new, so I'm going to give you a pass. I rule this school. Don't test me or else I'll make your life a living hell." Then she, and her entourage walked away. The real one gave me an apologetic look and walked after Tiffany.

"I'm never going to actually call her Tiffany. I can already see that much." I said as we settled down. "Really? You might actually be asking for death." Jasmine said, shocked. I looked at her and smiled. "Looks like Turkey opps! I mean Tiffany, is now apart of my plans." I smiled and relaxed. As I closed my eyes I heard collective gasps and opened my eyes. Jaxon and his two buddies came on the bus and were heading our way. I groaned and pulled my giant sweater from my bag. I then shifted into a shadow cat to ignore the whole world, but as a cat, my hearing was improved. I heard their footsteps coming closer and curled up tighter. "Shush! Kamila is trying to sleep." Jasmine chastised. I could feel Jaxson's smirk. "But I wanted to introduce her to my friends." I felt his body heat and looked up through sleepy eyes. "Kamila, can you move your fat cat ass?" I stood up and hissed at him. I attempted to claw his face for the insult.

"Calm down, chocolate." The cat spirit inside me wanted to kill him. I almost did whenI looked at Jasmine. "Calm down Kami. It's okay. He's just being stupid." I calmed down and shifted. I grabbed my sweater and made it into a nest, which I then placed on Jasmine's lap. I shifted into a cat again and stalked my way to the sweater. She smiled and stroked me.

(Don't think that this is weird

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(Don't think that this is weird. Trust me when I say that weirder things will happen).

I yawned and grabbed one sweater arm and wrapped it around myself. "Looks like she's planning your death Jax." Robin said with a laugh. They talked more but I tuned them out. And I fell. Fell into restless dreams. 

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