Chapter 26: OVERCAST!

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Jaxson's P.O.V.

We were outside in the back where there was a pool. Tiffany lunged at Kamila in an attempt to push her into the pool. Kamila sidestepped and Tiffany fell into the water. "Now what in tarnation is goin' on 'ere?" I looked up and saw a girl in a bikini. "Oh, hey Katie." Gale said. Katie nodded and looked down at Tiffany, who was sputtering and flailing her arms around and splashing water everywhere. "Help me!" She screeched. I looked down at her then at Katie. "How have you been?" I asked her. "Oh I've been better!" Katie chirped. We just decided to ignore Tiffany.

Then I heard a splash and turned around to look at the pool. There was Kamila helping Tiffany out of the water. After Kamila pulled her out, Tiffany pushed her back into the water. Tiffany laughed but it soon died when there was no flailing of arms, no splashes, no noise. I looked over and saw that Kamila's body was floating to the top. "Oh shit. I think you just killed her." Gale muttered. Tiffany paled and looked into the pool. "What are you all staring at?" Kamila asked from behind us. "Just looking at your dead body." I said casually. Then I realized who I was talking to. "You're alive!?!" Tiffany screeched. Kamila looked at the body in the pool and walked over to it. "Shadow magic. This is a shadow clone." She swiped her hand over the clone and it disappeared. "You're a terrible hero." Kamila said bluntly.

Tiffany glared at Kamila with smoke coming out of her ears. Tiffany walked over and smacked Kamila. Then Tiffany disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving us at the pool. We all looked at Kamila for her reaction. She seemed dazed, so I snapped my fingers in front of her face. "Hello? Anyone here?" I said in a mocking voice. She looked up at me and shrugged. "I have Shadow Casting next. See ya later." SHe muttered. She walked to a beach chair and disappeared into the beach chair's shadow. "That's definitely not creepy." Chad muttered. I sighed and the bell rang. "Time for electricity class." I said then heard my stomach grumble. And I couldn't even bring food into that class. "Fuck!" I yelled to the sky then used an electricity wire to get to class on time. 

Kamila's P.O.V.

"Alright kids! Time to shadow travel." Mr.Apogee said. I looked around and saw the other students looked nervous. "First, summon a cloud of shadows that can fit in the palm of your hand." I did and purple and black shadows swirled in an infinity sign in between my hands. The students had different shapes. One girl had a diamond shape in her hands and a guy had a circle. "Kamila, that's an interesting shape." Mr.Apogee said, observing my shadow casting. "I've only seen that shape once." I looked up at him, confused as to what he was talking about. "Don't worry. I'll help train your unique ability. I smiled at him and shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal." I said. His eyes went wide with that comment. "Didn't your mother teach you about your power?" He asked, flabbergasted.

I looked down at my shoes, only now realizing the silence from the other students. "No. I didn't know my mother." I muttered under my breath. I felt his hand go on my shoulder as some tears fell from my eyes. "Students. This is your last class of the day." I looked up through my tears and the other students looked so confused. "Your casting has been most wonderful and I'm proud of you all." They all looked so happy and Mr.Apogee smirked. "And I'm taking you kids on a trip." We all groaned and I wiped my tears away. "If the school allows it, we'll go to the Shadow Space University." My eyes widened and some of the girls started squealing.

The guys high fived each other and I just stood in my spot, not knowing what to do about the news that I had just received. The Shadow Space University is for people with shadow magic of any kind. That place has been my dream school since forever. "We will also visit some of the other Universities located in that area like Alternators College, Inferno University and so many others!" Mr. Apogee sounded genuinely happy about this trip. To be honest, I was kinda excited too. "This is going to be a great year with this class, I can feel it." He told us. Then his fone dinged. He looked at him and smacked his forehead. "Damn it." He whispered.

Suddenly a small tornado appeared in the sky and swirled down to us. It stopped right beside Mr. Apogee who looked so ashamed. "Hello kids!" The tornado disappeared and revealed a man in yellow clothes. He seemed so familiar and yet I could place my finger on it. "No, just no. I told you a million times not to interrupt my class!" Mr. Apogee hissed. The man laughed and all the clouds in the sky dissipated. "In the human realm, I am also called Mr. Apogee. But here?" At that he chuckled. "I AM OVERCAST!" Then he started evil cackling and Mr. Apogee just shook his head. "Please don't do this. Not now." A kid then raised his hand. "Yes dear child. What is your query?" Overcast said, whilst stroking his mustache. "How are you two together? Mr. Apogee is a hero and you're a villain." Overcast nodded. Then he walked over to Mr. Apogee and gave him a kiss. Soon it turned into a full on make out session.

I lowered my head and tried to control my urge to awww at the situation. "Ok ok! I get it! You're in love! Just stop!" They didn't stop. "For the love of Dave please stop!" They did, finally stop. "I am in love with this hero and nothing will stop me from loving him!" Overcast announced. "And I'm the new Fisical Ed teacher, so you kids better not ever question my relationship ever again." We all frantically nodded and Overcast smiled brightly. "Good! Because tomorrow, I'm making you kids do a test!" And with that, he kissed Mr. Apogee on the cheek and flew off. Mr. Apogee just stood then and the bell rang. "Class dismissed. 

Hey readers! Sorry but this might be the only chapter for this update! School starts on Tuesday and I need to prepare. I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for understanding my plight as I go through school. 

Aren't Mr. Apogee and Overcast just the cutest!?! I think that I might write a story about them. And maybe all the other teachers! Like how they all met and stuff. Maybe. If I have time. 

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