CHAPTER 4: Home away from Home

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Robin's P.O.V.

I stared at Kamila as she napped then looked away. Jaxson, Iven, and Mateo were sitting in front of us and talking our heads off. Kamila's ears twitched then rested again. I heard them talking about sports and groaned. "All you boys ever talk about is sports. Oh, basketball is so cool. Damn that football game sucked. Aw man! That soccer game was so totally rigged. Just knock it off already." I rolled my eyes and slouched in my seat. Iven rolled his eyes at me. "What do you even know about sports anyway?" He asked me. I glared at him and said, "Nothing, and that's how I like it." My older sister was into sports, so I didn't want to be in her shadow.

He rolled his eyes and looked out the window. I sighed and brought out my Lip-Pad and started scrolling. I noticed that all of the dorms looked like apartments. "Hey Jas. The dorms are different. They're apartments now." She stopped stroking Kamila to look at my Lip-Pad. "Wow. I guess that explosion last year must've gotten them to redecorate." We both looked at Mateo who was flirting with some poor chick. She was definitely a Fresh-Power. Someone who came from another Power Academy from a different part of the universe. 

Suddenly Kamila started meowing in her sleep and pawing at the sweater. Jasmine looked so shocked and terrified. "I-I can see her dreams." She muttered. Jaxon, Iven, and Mateo looked at us when she started meowing. "What's wrong with her?" Iven asked. Jasmine regained her composure and started stroking Kamila again.

She started muttering things in the animal language to her. "Jas, she's not an animal." I said hesitantly. She stopped talking and looked at us. "No, but she is a high level animal shifter." That made no sense to us and we looked at her confused. "Ugh, simpletines. She's connected to all animals so she has, you know what!?! Nevermind. I don't know why I'm still talking to you guys." During the "explanation" Kamila was growing restless and now was whimpering. "She's going to be okay, right?" I asked Jas. She didn't answer and just placed her on the seat next to her. "She's having a nightmare, so we need to wake her up." Mateo smiled. ":Easy." He grabbed a water bottle, but before he could sign his death warrant the bus started. "Can we let Kamila kill him?" I asked Jas. She shrugged but blocked Kamila from him.

"You could cause permanent damage. And she will kill you." Mateo pulled away at the latter and sat back. Jas gently stroked Kamila again and she relaxed. "Well she's not having nightmares anymore so we don't have to wake her up." Jas said, smiling. "Alright, kids! It's going to be one hour before we get to Power Academy, so sit back, relax, and don't blow anything up. I'm looking at you mateo." Everyone laughed and he stood up and bowed. "Thank you! I take pleasure in shortening school." Kamila stretched and curled up again. I leaned against the window and stared at the beautiful scenery. We were driving along a road with a forest surrounding us on both sides. Mateo looked outside the window and smiled. "So someone likes the wilds, huh?" I asked. He looked at me in surprise. "I don't know what you're talking about." He muttered. I just smiled and went to sleep.

One hour later

Mateo's P.O.V.

I looked around and remembered where I was. Jaxson was leaning against the window, but he didn't look to be asleep. "Jax?" He looked at me and cocked his head. "What's up?" he asked. I smirked and nodded over to Jasmine and Kamila. "What about them?" This guy is so dense. But before I could say anything, Jasmine woke up and looked around. She accidentally knocked Kamila off her lap. A loud hiss was heard and some students woke up from the noise. I chuckled and Jax laughed. Kamila shifted back into her human form and glared at us all. "Why?" She asked Jasmine in a dark voice. Her eyes glowed and Jas hesitated before answering. "It was an accident, Kami. Promise." Her eyes stopped glowing and she looked around. Then she got up and sat down. "Sorry. I'm a monster when I wake up."

She smiled sheepishly. "Just get Iven to wake me up." They both laughed which woke up Robin. She groaned but remained quiet. Iven woke up after and looked so lost. "What the fu#k man?" He grumbled. Suddenly the bus started slowing down. I looked outside and smiled. "Home away from home." 

Power United: High schoolМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя