Chapter 17: Damn girl you're good!

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Robin's P.O.V.

We made it back to our dorm room and I watched Kamila put her ear to a wall. "The boys are still asleep." Kamsy reported. We had all of our bags full of clothes, jewelry, shoes, and other things that we deemed necessary for the First Day party. We even brought Max into the room with us because he's a master at applying makeup. We headed up to a room in the dorm to get ready. We walked into and I gasped. There were three vanity mirrors on one side, a walk-in closet that was empty, some changing rooms and so many more. I walked up to the changing rooms and stepped in. "Kami, I accidentally took your bag." I called out. I heard some shuffling and Kamila popped her head inside. "Here ya go."

I took the bag and handed her her own. "Let me go wake up the boys." Kamila said happily. I heard her leave and finished putting on my dress. I walked out of the dressing room to grab my heel boots. Jas was still in the changing room and Max was at the mirrors organizing his giant makeup collection. "Everytime I have an event, I'm definitely coming here to get ready." Max declared. Then I heard a crash and Kamila's shadow magic appeared, transporting her into this room. "I woke them up." She said smiling. She walked over to the door to lock it. She also reinforced the door with magic. Then there was a banging on the door and yelling. "Kamila! Get your ass out here now!"Mateo yelled.

I laughed and the banging stopped. "Robin?" Matt called. "Kamila is in there isn't she!" He yelled. "No, she was here, but left to wake y'all up." Jas called. Kamila smiled. Jas had no idea what she was talking about because she was still in the changing room. I slipped on my boot heels and walked over to the mirrors to apply my makeup. "Fine. Tell her that I'm looking for her and that she'll regret waking us up." Then I heard his footsteps walking away from the room. I looked at Kamila who just shrugged. "How did you wake them up?" I asked her. She grabbed her dress and walked to a dressing room. "I dumped slime on them." She said casually. Jas walked out of her dressing room in her dress. She heard what Kamila said and was laughing.

Max turned to face us and blinked twice. Chinenye had been in the dressing room struggling to put on her dress. "This thing has too many freaking parts." She growled. Kamila walked out of the dressing room and into Chinenye's dressing room to help her. Max sat me down in front of a mirror and turned the chair to face himself. "Time to get to work." He muttered. "Jas, don't do anything. I'll do it." Jas had picked up some red lipstick and had been about to apply it. "If you even DARE do that fashion disaster, I will have your heads." Max growled. Jas put the lipstick down and sat in a chair. "Tadaaa!" We looked behind us and saw Chinenye in her purple dress. I clapped and Chinenye twirled.

"Alright Chinenye. Sit down so I can do your makeup." Kamila said as she guided Chinenye to a chair. "Kamila, you should change too." Jas said from her chair. Kamila shrugged and walked into the changing room. Max handed Jas and Chinenye a wet wipe for their faces. "I can tell that the two of you were already wearing makeup." They were about to argue, but something on Max's face told them not to. "I need you two to wipe your faces." He growled. They turned towards the mirror and two sinks popped up. They began washing the small amount of makeup off their faces and Max started working on my face.

"Alright people. How do I look?" We all turned and stared at Kamila  and Chinenye squealed. "Omg! You look so good!" She said, jumping up and down. The blue dress flowed down her body but she looked a little uncomfortable with the slit in it. "We need to look FABULOUS tonight ladies, so move your asses!" Max yelled. Chinenye started working on her own makeup and Kamila was helping me with my own makeup. Max had Jas and they kept tag teaming in applying our makeup. "Kamsy I need the gold eyeshadow." Max demanded. I couldn't even see Jas, so I had no idea what she looked like right now. "Alright here it is Max." Kamila handed something to him and continued working on my face. "I need the red lipstick." Kami requested.

He handed her the lipstick and she grabbed a weird brush thingy as well. She applied a thin layer of lip gloss on my lips first and then put some lipstick on my top lip and on my bottom lip. Then she took the brush thingy and rubbed it into the lipgloss. "Don't worry Robin. I've done this a bunch of times." I blinked and sighed. "Shut your mouth unless you want me to make a mistake." I stopped moving for my own sake. She could obviously turn my face into a clown's. After 5 more minutes Kamila pulled away. "There, I'm done, you Max?" She turned me to the mirror and I stared. I had a mix of red and black makeup on my face. There were also some red gems near my eyes and a black one on my cheek.

"Damn gurl, you're good!" Max exclaimed. Jas had gold and black makeup on her face that went perfectly with her outfit. "How are you two so good at applying makeup?" Jas asked. Kamila shrugged. "I had a lot of time on my hands at home. And experience." That part came out so darkly. Then Kamila perked up. "I was also forced to go to charity events so I had to wear makeup and help mamá with her own makeup. We all smirked and looked at Kamila. She looked nervous. "What is it?" She asked. "Time for your makeup." Max said, cheekily. We tackled her and brought her to a chair. She made a face and we smirked. "Fun time." Chinenye cheered. 

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