Chapter 22: Something on my Face?

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Kamila's P.O.V.

I felt a heaviness on my eyes as I attempted to wake up. There was a bright light and I hissed. "Oh good. Sleeping Beauty is finally awake. Or not Beauty. More like ugly." I groaned and tried to sit up. "Satan? Oh sheesh kabobs! I'm dead!" I opened my eyes and looked around. I rubbed my eyes but everything was still blurry as heck. I felt someone place my Clearers on my face. I looked around and noticed two things. I was in an unfamiliar room, and Jaxson was sitting by the bed that I was on. He had a shit eating grin that made me groan. "I think that me being dead would be better." I muttered. I tried to get out of bed and found that my legs refused to work. He caught me and smirked.

Please don't say something stupid.



I begged internally. "Oh,Kamila! this is the second time you've fallen for me." Jaxson said, cheekily. He pulled me up and I promptly smacked his arm. He barely flinched and I growled. "Looks like my muscles are rock solid." He said. I floated out of the room. I made it to my own bedroom and somehow miraculously made it into my own bed. "Hey Kamila? Are you alright?" I looked down from my bed and glared at Jasmine. I had a rager headache and wasn't in the mood to converse with people. "What?" I growled at her. She chuckled and we both winced at the same time. That's when I felt a heaviness between my legs. "Shit." I cursed. I jumped down from the bed and winced in pain. My head buzzed and pounded at each step I took.

"Sorry. Is your head pounding as well?" She asked me, while rubbing her temples. I nodded and immediately regretted that action. She smiled a small smile and we walked outside. All the lights in the hallway were dimmed or off and I saw that two doors were opened. "Iven and Mateo are already awake?" Jas muttered. "Damn, I was hoping that we'd at least have a few more hours." Jas muttered. We walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. There we saw Robin making something and the boys were eating pancakes. "Where's Jaxson?" I asked, yawning and then wincing at the pain. Iven smirked. "Your head still hurts?" He asked. I glared at him and sat down. "What happened last night?" I asked, looking around.

Robin tensed up and growled. Then I heard footsteps and Natile walked down the stairs. She had an oversized shirt on and her hair was a mess. Mateo looked up at her and looked back at his fone. I sighed and stood up. I grabbed my pink plastic cup and opened the fridge to retrieve my milk. I poured the milk into my cup and placed the cup into the microsurge. I warmed it for one minutes. During the process of warming the milk, I grabbed my chocolate powder and a spoon and set everything on the counter. The microsurge dinged and I brought out my drink. I placed the milk on the counter where the chocolate and spoon were and got to work. I dumped five large spoonfuls of chocolate powder into the milk and let it sink to the bottom.

Then I added half of a spoon of chocolate powder and mixed it into the milk. Then I grabbed some bread and some peanut butter to make a peanut butter sandwich. I cut the sandwich in half and picked up one half of the sandwich. I then realized after a deafening silence that everyone was surprisingly quiet. I turned around and looked at everyone. They were all staring at me and I cocked my head. "What's up?" I asked them.

Iven's P.O.V.

We all stared at Kamila as she did some of her dark arts. When she turned around, she had half of her abomination in her hand. "What's up?" She asked all of us, looking confused as hell. We snickered and she glared at us. "Kamila, what you're doing is so freaking wrong!" Jas exclaimed. We all nodded and she huffed. She brought her "breakfast" to the table and began eating. Robin finished making breakfast and dished it all out. "Thanks Robin." Mateo yelled. Kamila and Jasmine cringed at the loudness and Natile growled. "Why?" She growled at him. He smirked and brought her to his lap. She squealed and then crossed her arms and looked away. "Frick you."She hissed.

I laughed and a groan came from upstairs. Jaxson walked down the stairs with his hair all messed up. "Did you fall back asleep after I woke up?" Kamila asked him. Now we all looked from Jaxson to Kamila and back again. "Yea, I fell asleep again. Then I felt stupidity emanating from downstairs and here you are." Jaxson snapped. Kamila looked taken aback and stared at his back as he made himself some coffee. Suddenly all the lights turned off and the windows turned so dark that the sun couldn't shine through. We all looked at Kamila who's eyes were glowing red. She glared at Jaxson who still had his back turned to her. Things started floating and Kamila just walked away.

Jaxson turned around and looked at everyone. We all started laughing. "What is it?" He asked. "Something on my face?" I watched Robin stifle a giggle as she gave him a spoon to check. He looked, blinked and growled. "KAMILA!" He yelled Jas flinched and held her head in pain. Jaxson chugged down his coffee and ran up the stairs after Kamila.

Power United: High schoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang