Yandere? (NSFW)

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Erm, so this ended up having a few NSFW topics included. Sorry. I just thought I'd put a little heads up at the start for anyone who's uncomfortable with that. And, I know it said no NSFW, but things change. Expect NSFW from this point on I guess. I'll put warnings or something at the start of the chapters, but yeah. This is NSFW.

Lust pulsed through my veins as I watched him, his slender body facing the wall behind; hands gripping the edge of his shirt as he began to pull it off, revealing the wonderful curve of his scapula and the graceful line of his spine. I wanted to trace every dip and divot of his skin, I wanted to touch every part of him and claim him. I wanted him to turn, to see my eager face, to fulfil my deep, sick fantasies.

But instead, my breath pooled as condensation on the glass. I knew I shouldn't look at him like this, but I couldn't help myself. He was so perfect, and I was only admiring.

My fingers twitched on the cuff of my hoodie. My phone had been slipped down the sleeve of the red fabric, I could feel it's cool metal pressing against my arm. How desperately I wanted to encapsulate this image into my digital memory. I couldn't. Imagine if he found it...

My face flushed a little and I shook my head. Stupid thoughts. Stop being a weird perv. I sighed and laid down so my back was in the dirt under Tom's window. I didn't like having this obsession with him. All this watching and pining was eating me from the inside out, it was exhausting. I wish he would return my feelings. Just the thought of him made my skin heat up and my love-crazed brain whirl.

Turning my head, I instead stared at the street. I was thankful for the vegetation that lined the house, it was the perfect hiding spot.

I found myself here a lot- seeing as Tom spent the majority of his time in his room. I had sat here for so long, I had made a shallow imprint in the soil. That was probably a sign to go back in now. I slowly crawled through the plants, making sure not to make them rustle too much, so no one knew I was there. I suppose it doesn't matter too much, the neighbours have already seen me down here before. Now I get strange stares and sneering insults. I let the finger sort them out. I don't think they even know my name, I'm not exactly a sociable person. Oh well, I don't need them. I only need Tom.

Gently, I edged open my window just enough so I could slip back in. I was quite mastered at this task by now. Of course, it would still have been easy without practice, I have a pretty agile body. I guess working out was the only healthy hobby I had. Tom and hentai definitely didn't fit that category. Sometimes, I get tired of it, I would rather just sit and do nothing, but Tom manages to keep me motivated. I would be thankful if he even only used me for my body. In fact, I would love it. I hope he thinks I look good. Shivers danced down the back of my neck and I smiled.

Soft strumming floated through the wall and I grabbed the cup on top of my desk and pressed it against the plaster. Luckily, me and Tom's rooms were next to each other, so I could hear a little of what he does in there. I couldn't tell exactly which song he was playing, but anything he plays is beautiful. Soon, his voice cut through the music, deep and rich, making my heart flutter. God, everything about him is gorgeous.

I closed my eyes, so grateful that I was able to listen to this private concert, even if it wasn't for me. Though sometimes I like to pretend it is.

I must have fallen asleep there, back now resting against the wall. I stretched, bones cracking and popping from the uncomfortable position I had dozed in. Wandering out of my room, I found the house to be surprisingly empty. Shrugging, I went to the shower to try and relieve the stink that haunted me.

Hair still damp, I went and sat on the sofa, flicking through Netflix, knowing I'll just watch the same old shit I always do. I could hear Tom scavenging in the kitchen, and I turned the volume down to listen. A few pans crashed to the floor and he cursed, giving up, resorting to just grabbing a share pack of crisps and slouching into the living room. He looked at me for a second, before turning to the tv. He glared at it before settling into the seat next to me.

TomTord/TordTom oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang