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Pretty cringe 🕺

Tom's P.O.V~

It was a dark and stormy night... and I definitely wasn't sitting under my covers terrified because of the thunder. I hate thunder. Like, am petrified of it. The rain pounded the windows, and I tried not imagine when the next crash of thunder would b- BOOM!

I jumped and fell back onto the mattress. I looked at my clock. 11:34. Haha, not too late right? I can still get to sleep, right?

I grabbed my headphones, and put on my favourite soundtrack. But, even with the music blasting into my ears, I could still here the ominous booms. I decided that I would have to drink this one off.

By that time it was midnight, and Matt, Edd and Tord had surely gone to bed. I crept down the hallway, and towards the kitchen, the blanket still wrapped around me.

I had taken a few bottles out the fridge, and sat on the sofa. I had drunk one, when a huge boom filled the room. I then realised that drinking hadn't helped, it just made me emotional.

So, there I sat, tears sliding down my face, rapidly drinking, and desperately hoping I could get through this.

Tord's P.O.V~

That damn rain... I had woken up. The storm had only got stronger during the night. I decided that I needed a drink (just water).

I was just entering the living room when I saw a small, blanket-covered head, and heard tiny sniffles.

I walked closer, and say bottles littering the floor. It was Tom. Tom? Crying? This didn't make any sense. Tom didn't show much emotion, let alone cry!

"Tom?" I said nervously. "What do you want commie?" A small British voice said. He turned his head to face me, and I saw tear tracks running down his face. His eyes were red, and puffy, and his voice cracked, as if he was just about to start crying again.

"Hey, are you ok?" I sat down next to him. "Yes, stupid." He mumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around him. "Well it doesn't look like it." I said, "What's wrong?" He just glared at me, and took a swig of the bottle he was holding. I took it from him, knowing that it would not help him in the slightest, and, as he tried to take it back, another crack of thunder sounded.

He let out a small yelp, and tears ran down his face again. I put my arm around him, to comfort him, and he looked at me shocked.

Tom's P.O.V~

He was... comforting me? I thought he hated me. I mean, I'm not complaining, but really? "It's the thunder isn't it?" He said softly. I nodded. Suddenly, Tord picked me up, put me of his lap, and gave me a big hug.

I was completely shocked. I mean, I guess that I didn't mind, it was kinda... nice? No one had cuddled me like that since... I don't even know. I was rigid, but he held me closer. I wasn't thinking straight, with the alcohol and the fear of the booming outside, so I put my head on his chest, and closed my eyes.

Warm and soft...

I shot up. It was a dream, a dream, a dream- I saw Tord. Oh no, oh no, oh no. It wasn't a dream. That had really happened. Embarrassed doesn't even cut it. I crawled off the sofa, and went into the kitchen.

Edd was cooking bacon, and Matt was sat at the table. Matt giggled, and Edd looked at him sharply. "...what?" I asked. Edd turned around and put his hands on the counter. "Care to explain?" He said, smirking. I felt my face heat up. "Explain what?" I tried to ask causally. Matt, holding back more giggles, said "Why were you on the sofa? And why were you with Tord?"

Then, as if on cue, Tord walked in. "Hallo everyon- what?" Edd looked at him smugly, and said "What, you don't remember?" Tord stared at him confusedly. "Um no, I don't- ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh. That." He cleared his throat. "What do you have to say about it?" Matt whispered something to Edd, and Edd giggled. "It was nothing weird!" I shouted. "Mkay, sure." Edd said sarcastically. "Y'know..." Matt started, "It was kinda- what's the word? Not bad?" We all looked at him confusedly. "Like, at least you two weren't fighting." Edd pondered this for a second and said "Yeahhhhhhh..." He paused again. "You do have a point Matt."

We all stood in silence. I spoke up, "Why do you have a problem with it anyway?" Edd looked shocked. "I don't! It's just weird that so-called 'enemies' are suddenly cuddling together on the sofa." Tord looked at Edd. "Do you really wanna know why?" He asked him. "Yes." Edd answered. "Tom, may I please speak to you. In private." He added after seeing Edd and Matt's faces. "OoooooOOOOOoooooo." The said simultaneously.

We walked over to the hallway, away from Edd and Matt. "You wanted to talk to me?" I said. "Yes." He took a deep breath. "You see Tom, the reason that I reacted the way I did last night is because I like like you. There are no two ways about it. I have felt this way for a long time, I think you are such a wonderful person, and I am so sad that we fight so much. That is kind of big, so I'm perfectly fine if you do not agree with this or anything. I just wanted to tell you." He looked at his feet. I smiled. "Well that's lucky." I murmured. "Because I like you too." I put one hand around his waist and lifted his chin.

Tord's P.O.V~

I felt his lips press against mine and it was like heaven. His lips were soft against my more chapped ones. I bit his lip, asking for permission to enter. He opened his mouth (ahh I'm uncomfortable) and my tongue explored the inside.

"EDDDDDDD!!! COME LOOKKKKKK!!" Oh crap. We pulled apart as Edd arrived. He squealed in excitement. "I KNEW IT!!" He yelled. "I KNEW IT!!"

I just looked at Tom smiling. Today has been a good day.

This is so bad, sorry. I just love the idea.

Word count- 1048

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