The boy at the bridge

536 11 2

Actually so bad 🗣🤙

Finally some angst!

!Trigger warning!
Suicidal intentions, self harm


Blood dripped down my arm, the blunt knife grasped in the other. Cold sweat rolled down my face, and my everything shook. The wound throbbed dully, but I didn't feel it. I was empty. The hurt and anger had gone. It should be today.


I pulled a navy hoodie over my head, it's baggy sleeves hiding my scarred arms. Cuts that I had inflicted upon myself.

The breeze teased my hair, so I put my hood up. Cold numbed my bones as I walked along. Loneliness set it's chilling mark on my heart, forcing a small sigh out of me.


The river bubbled quietly. It was tranquil. Petals floated from beautiful, bubblegum pink trees. The moon cast silvery light down, creating a shining circle on the azure waters. The purple sky was littered with stars. "I'll be with them soon." I whispered.

I grasped the cold, harsh railing of the bridge. Intricate patterns were twined through the metal.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the night air. No one would know I was gone, no one would care.

Sadness created a large, bustling knot in my chest. I wouldn't have to feel anymore. A sweet relief.

I prepared myself for the jump. It would be my last.

"Don't go." A voice sounded from behind me. I spun around. What was that?
"Don't go." It repeated. Now I was going mad.
"W-who said that?" I called out. A figure stepped into my vision.

He was wearing a red hoodie. Two caramel-coloured hair horns poked out of his head. He had a button nose and pale-pink lips. Two thinish eyebrows were knotted into a frown. He was slightly shorter than me.

"You don't want to do this Tom." He said stepping closer to me. Tears had started to run down my face.
"How would you know what I want?!" I said. I turned back around and started to climb the side. He grabbed my hand.
"No." He said.

I wriggled out his grasp.
"Go away!" I shouted. I had already decided my fate. This had gone on for too long.
"Tom, no, you don't want this." He whispered.

"TOM!" Someone shouted from behind me. Edd was running towards me, his phone in his hand, Matt close behind him.
"Tom, Tom, are you ok?!" Edd said, reaching me.

Tear tracks still criss-crossed my face. Edd and Matt gently pulled me away from the perilous edge.

I looked around, but the mysterious figure had vanished. They had saved my life.


I'm doing better now. It's been 5 months after the incident, and I'm in therapy currently.

I flicked through my playlist, looking for the perfect song.
"Hello." A voice sounded. The figure was sitting next to me.
"Hello." I replied. I heaved a sigh.
"Thank you." I said. He smiled and nodded.

We were silent for a minute.
"How are you doing?" He asked, "Better, I hope."
"Better." I answered.

After a moment, I asked,
"Who are you?"
"That's a secret." He said, a secretive smile playing across his lips.

"Goodbye Tom." He said quietly.
"W-wait!" I said, "why were you here?"
He laughed.
"Who ever said I was actually here?" He said, and disappeared.

I just realised that I never told him my name.

I suppose that.

I saved myself.


Wow, that was an emotional rollercoaster to write. This was basically a vent.

I know that this has been done many times before, but yeah.

Word count- 584

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