Car ride

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Tom and Tord sat in a slightly overheated car, speeding down a motorway. Music blasted out of the old, weary speakers of their beat-up car, their almost strained voices sing-shouting the same-old words of the same-old songs. The sun spread its golden rays across their tired faces, making them squint at the heat haze of a road, but they smiled, the company of the other was enough in that burning hot car.

The rough, empty scenery shot past, dust spiralling at the windows, kicked up by the hastened wheels. Steam wavered off the roof as it had only rained just before, but they had reached a dry part, thus they began to heat it quickly. The blistering, barren road stretched out in front of them, and they felt as if they were flying.

Tord stared over at his boyfriend, pure adoration shining in his eyes. Tom caught his gaze and grinned, and god, Tord wished he could just grab the front of his shirt and kiss him until the end of time, but alas, they were driving full speed down a motorway, and death wasn't something that he had planned on doing that day.

Tom slid a hand onto Tord's thigh, gently running his hand up and down it, keeping one hand on the wheel so the car kept steady. Tord leaned back into the torn up fabric of his seat, still screaming lyrics, tiredness hanging at the corners of his eyes.

The album ended, the last chords fizzling down to silence. The sun had begun to sink, the rays becoming a soft golden-orange. Tom stayed focused, seeming wide awake even after countless hours of driving. Tord made weary talk, Tom just enjoying the sound of his voice.

Greener hills began to roll in, the dusky sun still protruding over. The sky had taken on a beautiful salmon pink, faint stars shining through.

Tord scrolled through old photos of them, often showing some of his favourites to Tom. He was called soppy, of course, but he didn't mind. He liked remembering.

Tom put on another album, a far quieter one. The soft strums of the guitar flowing out of the speakers, and they basked in the music. The singer started to croon the lyrics, and Tom joined in, the deep hum of his voice resonating around the small vehicle.

The slow, comforting music swayed around the warm compartment, Tord's eyes beginning to shut, sleep seemingly only moments away. Tom still sang as the gentle night faded from Tord's consciousness and he fell into a quiet slumber.


This is short, I know.

Like your dick, I know.

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