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'Everyone finds their soulmate... just follow the string..'

String?! What string?!

Tom huffed, hands stuffed deep in his pockets as rain pounded down from the sky. Ripples danced across the surface of the water as his feet made contact with the puddles that littered the pavement. A couple were just in front of him, leaning against a lamppost, intertwined. Tom glared and weaved around them. It almost felt like it was following him. His lack of soulmate. All these wonderful, happy people with their wonderful, happy soulmates. Except un-wonderful, un-happy Tom.

He took his hand out of his pocket, glancing at his finger again, searching for that beautiful, red string. It remained plain.

The same desolate, lonely feeling settled into his heart again. They say it can't happen. It's a 0.0001% chance, not even that. It's impossible. What bullshit.

It was a week until his 23rd birthday. Maybe this year, he'll get that string. He was almost excited. Deep down, he knew it wasn't going to happen. It was far too late, 18 was long gone.

. . .

A piercing ring exploded in Tom's ears. He grunted, hand grasping for his phone, stabbing at the 'stop' button. The din ceased, and he stretched, almost rolling out of bed.

Picking up his phone, he looked at the date. Ah yes, his birthday. His eyes wandered over to his finger with a growing feeling of anticipation. Just flesh. God, he craved that crimson thread.

He sat at the table, mug of steaming coffee in front of him, when he felt a tight pair of arms wrap around him.
"Happy birthday!" They squealed.
"Good morning to you too." Tom droned tiredly. They flopped into the chair next to him, that ginger shock of hair still in its perfect style, even after countless hours of sleep.

Edd strolled in a few seconds later and ruffled Tom's hair.
"Happy birthday." Tom glared at him.
"I told you to stop doing that."
"I can't help it, your hair's just so nice to touch."

Tom shrank down in his seat, still glowering at Edd's turned back. He looked up to see Tord yawning in the doorway.
"Happy birthday Jehovah. So glad you're one step closer to death." Tord grinned, taking a seat.
"You're older than me dipshit." Tom retorted.
"Yeah, but you're uglier."
"What has that got to do with anything?"

Edd sighed.
"Can you two shut it? It's 7 in the morning, for fuck's sake. And Tord, it's Tom's birthday, can you not be a dick for one day?"
"I'm not being a dick, I'm just stating the facts." Tord drawled.
"Whatever... you want bacon?"
"Yes please." Tord turned to Tom, "So, Thomas, still haven't got your string?" He shot him a sarcastic smile.

Tom narrowed his eyes.
"What's it to you? And at least I'm not a gross pedo. Can't say the same for you." Tord let out an angered hiss.
"I'm not a pedo. My soulmate just hasn't got their string yet."
"Which means they're under 18. Which means you like kids."
"That does not mean I like kids! Loads of people have to wait until their soulmate gets their string. It's normal."
"You're 23, Tord. It's taking a bloody while."
"At least I have a soulmate! At least I'm not going to be a lonely loser for the rest of my life."

Tom stood up, chair flying back.
"Shut up you cunt!"
"Why don't you, unloveable bitch!"

Tom grabbed the collar of Tord's shirt, fist pulled back.
"BOTH OF YOU. SHUT THE FUCK UP." Edd yelled, yanking Tom away, "Get the fuck out of my kitchen, I am done with your bullshit."

They glared at each other before stalking off to their respective rooms.


The tube was crowded. Tom stared down at his phone, already wishing the day was over. He was too tired to work, too much to do. Disappointment had already hit, and he was too tired. Too tired for all this bullshit.

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