Playing as matchmaker

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Edd's P.O.V~

I'm trying, but it's not working. I have given them every opportunity, but they never take it! You would think they're stupid! I sighed and flopped onto my bed. Playing as matchmaker. I thought it would be easy! "Evidently not..." I murmur. The timing seemed perfect. With Matt away an' all, I could focus on their relationship, not mine. Well, their relationship to be. It hasn't happened yet. I deliberately kept them busy together, getting them out of their rooms, but what for?! For them to do nothing!

I had decided to take a rest today. I don't even know where they are. Oooo, maybe together...? "Aah!" I said in frustration. I keep thinking about what I can do to help them. My mind was conflicted. On one hand, they are fully grown men, they can work it out for themselves, on the other they need my help, because without it, they are hopeless!

I'll try one more time, but it's so boring. I wish Matt was here. We had started dating a while ago, about 6 months, and it was great. But, before I get too lost in that, I better sort out Tom and Tord.

"Ugh, this is so stupid, but so darn fun." It was kinda enjoyable trying to get them together. Does that sound weird? I don't even know anymore.

I slowly opened the door, pretending to be on my phone. They were watching a movie. Well, Tom was, Tord was reading... anime. Still, they are together. It's a good sign!

"Heyyy guysss." I said. Tom grunted and Tord didn't even acknowledge me. "Rude..." I muttered. I sat down on the armchair. "What you guys watching." Tom looked confused for a second before saying "I don't really know." I had an idea. "Welllll, if you're not really watching it, let's play a game."

Without waiting for their response, I turned off the tv, and looked at them expectantly. The both stared back, saying nothing. "Any ideas?" I asked. "No." Tord said and Tom shook his head. I have to do everything around here. "Truth or dare?" I said. "Mkay." They said in synchrony.

"I'll go first." I announced. "Tom, truth or dare?" "Erm... truth?" He said. "Pussy..." Tord said quietly. "Shut up." Tom shot back. "Ok Tom!" I said nervously, "Who's your crush?"

"WHAT ARE YOU, 12?!" He yelled. "Oooooo you do have a crushhhh." I said smirking. "Go on, spill." Tom mimed zipping his lips. "Yeah, go on Tom." Tord said.

Glaring at Tord, Tom came over and whispered in my ear. (You won't know yet what he said hahahahaha. But you probably already know lol.) A smile crept across my face and his went red. I glanced at Tord. He just sat there like nothing happened. Oh, come on. I thought. "Really Tom~?" I said. He blushed more. "Should I say it~?" I asked. "No no no!" He answered quickly. "O-kay." I said giggling.

Tom faced back to the middle. "Tord, truth or dare?" "Dare." He said. "Um, I dare you to put on a dress." "Where are there any dresses in this house?" Tord scoffed. Tom left the room, and returned moments later with a red velvet dress. "W-where did you get that from?" Tord stuttered. I laughed. "Oh, I don't know Tord, maybe your room!" Tom laughed, "I found it on your bed! Why have you got a dress?" Tord was as red as a beetroot. "That's er, that's not mine! And why were you in my room?" "Not important!" Tom announced, "Why don't you go put it on~?"

Tord snatched the dress from Tom, and left the room. A few minutes he returned wearing it. I'll be the first one to say, he looked fabulous.

"I hate you." Tord said sheepishly. Tom took a second to register that. "Mm, yes." He said. Tord blushed, embarrassed. "Can I take it off now?" Tom thought for a second before saying "No." and patted the ground next to him. Tord sat there. I am succeeding!

"Edd." Tord said, "Truth or dare." An idea popped into my head. "Truth." I said. Come on. If I know Tord well enough, he should say- "What's the biggest secret you know?" Yes! This will work, surely. I smiled deviously. "Should I just say it, or just tell you?" I asked. He thought for a second before saying "Just tell me."

I stood up and walked over to him, and crouched down. Whispering in his ear, I said, "Tom likes youuuuuu." I stared at his face. He was bright red.

I laughed manically and said "I'm going to go get a cola now." I speed-walked out the room into the kitchen. I heard Tom say, "What did he tell you." It was quiet for a moment before Tord said, "That you like me. Is that true?" Silence again. "What if I say yes?" Tom answered. I giggled. I've got to be quiet, shhhhh. "I would tell you that I think you are a wonderful person Thomas, and I would be delighted if you did like me." I peeked round the door. Tom was smiling. "Then it's lucky that I do."

I almost screamed right there and then. Stop fanboying Edd... Well, I'll give them some privacy now.


It's fun playing as matchmaker. And I'm so glad I did. I'm standing at Tom and Tord's wedding, and boy am I proud that I gently pushed them together all those years ago.

I look at my husband, Matt, and then face towards the aisle that Tom is slowing walking up, the happiest man in the world.

I am the best man for Tom, and Matt is the best man for Tord. I smile proudly, and almost (almost) shed a tear as they both say I do. This is the best outcome that could have happened, and I regret nothing.

This is soppy, but I love the idea.
Idk how to write these things at the end lol.
Word count- 1005

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