Starry night (idfk)

416 11 28

You're pretty much good now 🍆🤛

Tom's P.O.V~

The tv blared with gunshots and explosions. Edd and Matt sat on the edge of their seats, their eyes glued to the illuminated screen. I took another swig from the silver flask in my hand. It was almost empty. Tord was sat next to me, wolfing down the popcorn.

I drained the last bits of alcohol, before getting up and walking to the kitchen to refill it. As I stood by the fridge, I looked out the window, noticing the beautiful pearl-like stars littered across the dark velvet blue sky. It really was extraordinary.

Putting the bottle of vodka back in the fridge, I slipped out the back door, into the garden. I watched the stars in the sky and the shining moon, perfectly content. This was so much better than watching that stupid movie.

Tord's P.O.V~

I stuffed handfuls of sweet toffee popcorn in my mouth. I was hungry af. But before I knew it, the bowl was empty. I looked down at it in dismay. Edd reached his hand into the bowl, still staring at the film. He swiped his hand around a bit, searching for the sweets. Whipping his head round to face me, he asked,
"Tord, where's all the popcorn?"
I looked at him sheepishly.
"I might have, er, eaten it." I answered. Edd looked at me in disappointment.
"Well, go get another bowl then." He said, turning back to the movie.

I hoisted myself up, taking the bowl with me. Walking to the kitchen, I could still here to blasts of the film in the other room. It was giving me a headache.

Moonlight shone through the small windows of the kitchen. Was it already that late? I abandoned the bowl to look outside. Then I noticed a small figure sat on the grass staring up at the stars. It was Tom. I had wondered where he was.

Silently, I opened the back door, as to not disturb him, and sat down by his side. He didn't seem to see me, or just didn't really care. That thought made me get a small glow of warmth inside my chest. He just kept looking up the sky.

I shuffled a little closer to him, so we were only a little way away from each other. He still didn't say anything or move.

I took a deep breath, and put my hand in his ever so slightly. He tensed up, but then relaxed. We sat like this for a few minutes, just staring at the sky. I felt very at peace.

Tom's P.O.V~

Holy bug in a pizza box, what was going on?! That commie comes out here, AND HOLDS MY HAND?! My face was burning bright red, but it was too dark for him to see.

I wasn't uncomfortable, I was quite enjoying it, it was just a surprise!

I breathed in his scent. He smelt of smoke and sugar. I sniffed it in again, for it was a pleasant aroma. I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. Then I realised what I had just done.

I was about to pull away, when I felt an arm slide around my waist. Oh dear Jehovah, what have I done?!

I started breathing heavily, trying to calm myself down. Tord faced towards me. Up close, I could just about make out his expression. He looked worried.
"Are you ok Tom?" He asked, squeezing my side. I felt my face grow as red as a burning tomato.

"Y-yeah." I answered. He looked at my confusedly.
"It doesn't seem like it-"
Then, without warning, I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. I pulled away almost immediately, my hand covering my mouth.

What had just happened?! It was like some unknown force had taken over me, and pushed me towards him. There had been the desire for Tord inside me for a while. This was just the moment for it. I just hadn't expected it to happen to quickly.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I stuttered, stumbling backwards away from him. He caught my hand, and pulled me back down.

Sliding one hand behind my back again, he gently pulled me closer. I didn't resist. He put one hand on my face, and he kissed me again.

My heart jumped into my throat, but I felt extraordinarily happy.

"Alright loser, where's the popcorn."

I spun round, ending the kiss, to see who was there. Edd was standing there, phone in hand, taking a picture.
"E-Edd, what are you doing here?" Tord asked.
"Looking for the goddamn popcorn." He answered, "but you two were canoodling."
"And?" Tord said. Dear Jehovah, how is he handling this so well?!
"I am still hungry." Edd said.

"Screw you guys." Edd said, and went back into the house. "I HAVE BLACKMAIL MATERIAL AS WELL, SO KEEP THAT IN MIND." He shouted over his shoulder.

Well this has been an interesting night.


I have not updated in ages, I am so sorry, I'm not dead. Slow updates -_-

Word count- 843

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