Chapter 30

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"You two are dating, right?"

My heart started beating faster as I couldn't do anything but stare at my smiling mother with widened eyes. Is she laughing at me? What if she hates me now? What if she's disgusted with me? What if Noah gets in trouble? I'm scared... I'm really scared... "I-I..." I gulped as I was feeling my anxiety increasing. My mind filled with clouded thoughts.

"Yeah we are dating."

Noah's sudden answer mede me froze. I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. "I see! I'm happy for you two! For how long has it been?" "Eh?" She's okay...? She doesn't hate me...but rather looks happy? What is going on?

"We are dating for a while now." "Oh really? Were you guys also together on Christmas?" "I wish, but I had only just confessed to him." I listened to my mother's and Noah's conversation as I was trying to calm my worries down. She doesn't seem like she minds it... She must be okay with us, right...?

"Liam." I looked at my mother and she gave me a sweet and caring smile. "I will always love you and support you. Don't feel anxious. You can always talk to me." "Mom..." "Don't think that I don't know what you are worried about. I know my son very well." She laughed and took my hand into hers. "Mom will always be here for you." Looks like I worried for nothing. I'm really thankful that I have such an understanding mother... I'm happy...

"So, does Oliver know about you guys?" Questioned my mother after a while and I nodded my head. "Yeah he knows." "He didn't say anything mean right? If he did I'll make sure to scold him." She said with a serious tone and I immediately shook negatively my head. "No no, everything's fine." "Hm, I'm glad to hear that." She laughed as the remaining dishes finally came to our table.

"Hey Noah, please take good care of my son." She then said giving a small smile towards Noah who he in return showed one of his. "You can count on me ma'am."


The next day, Noah's phone couldn't stop ringing. It seems like his parents are very persistent. I looked towards Noah's sorrowful gaze and I tightened my fists. "Have faith that your parents will change their minds now that you are gone." "I don't know about that..." He answered and that caused me to let out a tired sigh. I wanted to help him. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing but...what could I possibly do?

"Liam, Noah?" A sudden knock on the door of my room could be heard and I stood up to open the door. My mother's face looking behind me and towards the troubled Noah. "Noah, your parents... Are here looking for you..." At that, our eyes became wide open. I turned to give Noah a glance as he just rubbed tiredly his temples. "Guess I wasn't able to hide for long huh?" His sad smile made my heart sink as I was slowly making my way out of the room.

"You! It's your fault! Everything's your fault!" Yelled Noah's father once I had stopped outside of the house. My eyes looking furiously towards the ground. "You made Noah this way didn't you?! I bet that's also the reason why he isn't listening to us!" I clenched my fists and took a breath in. I looked up and met their eyes.

"Noah is not a child. He can make his own decisions. It's his life. The fact that you, his parents, don't respect that it's driving me mad! He can choose whatever he wants as his career. He loves photography and that's more than enough to support him!"

"What do you know?! You are nothing! He is our child!"

"You are right, I am nothing in front of such a wonderful person like him, but... But I love him! I know that many people don't respect that and they even try to change us! I didn't force Noah to like me either! Heck, I would even leave Noah alone if that meant that he would be happy!"

My heart started beating abnormally fast and my breath became short. I fell on my knees and then to the ground as my body started moving on it's own. Why now... I... I still have a lot to say!

"Liam!" Yelled everyone from inside the house as they ran towards me. Noah being the first to support and hold my body from the harsh ground. "What's wrong with this kid...?" "I told you that he was weird." Murmured Noah's parents and Noah was ready to yell at them. That, until my mother stood up for the both of us.

"That weird kid, is my son. And he has epilepsy. Liam is a good and kind kid unable to say no most of the time..." Spoke my mother with small tears inside her eyes while pointing towards me as Oliver was ready to throw fists. "Being a parent is hard... Especially when you see your child suffering and you know there's nothing you can do about it. It really hurts..." She semi-yelled as she finally wiped away her tears. Her eyes filled with furiousness. "...Both Liam and Noah are independent adults who can choose their life path. What you both are doing right now is nothing more that a nuisance."

"What do you think you are saying ma'am-" "You insulted my son, you insulted your own child and emotionally abused him. As a parent as well, I am very disappointed in both of you with how closed minded you two are. Noah is free to live with us for as long he likes to. At least until you two start learning how to become actual parents."

Noah's parents stood motionless, staring towards all four of us. I was slowly trying to calm down and tried to get up on my feet, only to fail miserably. "Don't move. I'm here." Said Noah with a sad smile as I looked towards the ground. My knees are definitely injured. "Now I would kindly ask you to leave. I wouldn't want to cause another scene." Damn... My mom sure knows how to be cool too sometimes. "Let's go." Voiced Noah's father as his mother stood for a little bit longer outside the car while staring at her son. For a moment I could swear that I saw a tear falling down from her eye.

"Are you okay?" Asked Oliver once Noah had placed me carefully on the couch. "Could've been better." "Let me see your knees." Ordered my mother as I raised slowly my pants up to my knees. Blood was all over my knees but beside that, it didn't seemed that bad. I could still slowly move them.

"Liam..." Voiced Noah and I held his cheek will a bright smile. "I'm okay!" "But look how you-" "It's fine! It's really fine. What matters right now, is that we did some progress. We were able to get your parents feel some guilt, at least that's what it seemed like. I guess we'll have to wait and see how things will go!" I spoke trying to sound as positive as I could while Noah showed me a sad smile.

"I truly don't deserve you..."

Your Never Fading Smile जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें