Chapter 29

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"Liam! You're back! I see you also brought your friend with you!" Smiled warmly my mother as me and Noah finally arrived home. For the rest of our one week break, we'll be staying here in order to follow the plan that Noah's sister thought of.

"You wouldn't mind if he stayed with us, would you?" I questioned with a nervous smile and she kindly smiled towards us. "Of course not! He can stay as long as he wants." "Thank you very much for your hospitality." "Aw no need to thank me. Now come you two inside."

Both me and Noah walked inside. I looked towards the living room and saw my brother eating chips in the corner of one of our couches while watching something in the television. "Oliver, aren't you going to greet your brother and his friend?" "Mhm..." Oliver acknowledged us with a small nod as I could clearly see the depression all over his face. "Don't mind him. He recently broke up with his girlfriend. Cheer up Oliver! You'll find someone better in the future!" Said my mother trying to make my brother show the slightest of smiles but he just fallen even deeper inside the couch.

"That child... Anyways, Liam why don't you go and show your friend the house? Oh wait, where is he going to sleep now that Oliver is back?" "I could sleep on the couch-" "In my room." I interrupted Noah as I answered blandly at my mother who looked at me with a smile. Noah on the other hand looked elsewhere with sightly red ears. "Oh, I see. You guys must be very close then to be so comfortable with each other." "Yep we are best friends, so I'll take him to see the room." With that, I grabbed my staff and walked towards my room with Noah following close behind me.

"A-are you sure about this..." Voiced Noah with a trembling voice once we had entered the room. His expression painted with a deep red color. "Of course. I wouldn't let you sleep on the couch." I answered now slowly organizing my staff. "N-no, I mean... Are you really sure you want me to sleep in the same room as you?" He's so cute... "Why wouldn't I?" "Aren't you too calm about this?!" Panicked Noah now his face becoming even hotter than because.

"Well it's kind of embarrassing, but I don't think that this is much of a big deal. And, I know you wouldn't do anything without my consent, so it's okay." "Liam..."

Suddenly a knock was heard. I walked towards the door and opened it revealing my grumpy brother. "Mom says she wants to talk to you." Huh? Please tell me she didn't hear us again... "Okay, we are coming."

I looked nervously towards Noah and finally walked towards the living room to see my mother waiting for us while casual sitting on the couch. "Did you finish organizing your staff?" Questioned my mother with a small smile as a walked a little bit closer. "Yup." "Good. How about we go out for dinner today?" Suggested my mother with an eye-closed smile. "Oh?" She seems really happy for some reason... Are we celebrating something?

"I think that would be a wonderful idea." Answered Noah as he looked at me with a small smile. "Count me out if this." Exclaimed Oliver and my mother showed a small scowl. "Aw come on Oliver~ I think it's a good timing for all of us to spend time with each other." "...I just want to stay home today..." At my brother's answer my mother shook her head and turned to face once more me and Noah with her usual smile.

"Alright then, seems like it will be a group of three for now. Come on, let's get ready."


"So, how's the university? Are guys going to make a festival the next month?" Questioned my mother while cutting a piece of beef from her plate. We had arrived at the restaurant and some of our dishes had already been served on our table.

"Yeah, we are going to show our works to the people who will visit and to the students who wish to come the next year." I answered with an enthusiastic smile. I was really looking forward to my first school festival. "Oh~ That's wonderful~ I'll make sure to pass by then."

A sudden sound of a phone ringing caught our attention. I turned towards Noah and saw him glaring at his phone without having the intention to answer the call. It didn't took me long to realize who it was. Noah gave me a glance and I shook sightly my head. The person on the phone, not giving up any time soon.

"Aren't you going to answer?" Asked my mother and Noah fought to show a smile. "It's nothing important." Answered Noah now turning off the sound. My mother not believing a word he said looked skeptically towards me. I in the other hand looked nervously elsewhere. "I believe that something is troubling you. If you are looking for an advise, I'm more than happy to help anytime you need me." She smiled warmly towards us and we both began to relax.

"Yeah... I can see the resemblance. Your mother is a truly wonderful person, just like you." Smiled Noah looking at me with a smile and I immediately looked elsewhere with a small blush. "Don't say stuff like that so easily..." "Why? But I'm saying the truth." Could you at least not do this here?!

"I see! So that's how it is. No wonder you two seem so close to each other." Laughed my mother and that caused both me and Noah to look at her with widened eyes.

"You two are dating, right?"

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