Chapter 21

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This morning, I woke up to many loud yells and laughs. Still sleepy, I made an effort to open properly my eyes and finally saw Spencer standing up with an annoyed look on his face. He then opened the door and yelled right back at them.

"What the hell are you yelling for, you idiots?! It's still 6 a.m.!!" "Get back to your room nerd. Why don't you let your roommate out? We want to talk." What? Why? I thought to myself as the guys outside of our room kept laughing. "Get out here you homo!" My eyes widened and I stood frozen in the middle of the room. My hands trembling in anxiety and heart beating in fear. "Come on, get out!" Why... How... Who told them... Does Noah knows about that?

"What the-!" "I'll tell you this one last time. Shut your trap and get out of here before I change my mind." I was brought back from my thoughts and dared to look outside of the room to see one of the guys laying down on floor holding his cheek, while Spencer stood menacingly in front of him and his friends.

"You want a fight bastard?!" "Bring it on." Laughed Spencer rolling up his sleeves. "You in for a big trouble nerd." He said with gritted teeth while getting up from the floor. "And who's in big trouble?" Suddenly, I heard Noah's voice and I felt relaxed but worried at the same time.

"Well well, who do we have here. Noah Jefferson." Laughed the guy as Noah rested his hand over Spencer's shoulder with a smile. "I'll take care of this." With that, Spencer walked angrily back inside the room as I stood motionless on the doorway. I should go out as well... Spencer stood up for me and Noah is here as well... I really should go so why...why am I unable to move? Why am I so scared?

"So? Seems like you guys have something important to say to me." Spoke Noah walking a little bit closer towards them. "I'm all ears." The guy then gritted furiously his teeth while glaring daggers towards Noah. "Ha, don't play dumb with me. You know damn well what we've got to say to you since the whole fucking school knows about it." Laughed the guy along with his friends.

"Hmm~ Is that so? Well then, do you mind telling me who's the one who started the rumors?" Noah's eyes narrowed as his smile never faded. "You think I would tell you?" Laughed the guy once more. Noah then walked closer towards him and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Even if you don't tell me, I WILL find that person and I'll make sure they pay. This is a warning. Now, would you kindly get lost?" Said Noah with a final smile as he began to walk towards my room. The others weren't able to say anything in return as they could only look down in complete anger.

When Noah came inside the room, he closed the door behind him and finally let out a deep sigh. "Liam... Are you alright?" I looked down to the ground in shame as Spencer lightened up a cigarette. "I'm sorry... You guys stood up for me and I couldn't even get out of the room. I should had been the one to confront them... I'm really sorry for the trouble I caused to both of you." I spoke, my hands sightly trembling in anxiety and head hang low.

"Liam..." "Are you an idiot?" Suddenly spoke Spencer and I raised my head to look at him. "Of course we would stand up for you. And you! You also should had let me beat those bastards up!" Semi-yelled Spencer pointing angrily towards Noah. "Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, don't beat yourself over it. It's normal to feel scared and anxious over those kind of things. We are here for you man." Spoke Spencer raising his fist towards me for emphasis and I finally started to slowly calm down.

"Spencer's right. I mean, it would be wrong on me to not stand up for you as well." Showed me Noah a small and gentle smile while resting his hand over my head. "So... Are you guys really going out?" Noah gave me a worried glance but in return I gave him a reassuring smile. "Yes, me and Noah are going out." "Did you act any lovey dovey? I mean, as much careful as you are, someone must had seen you guys. Sadly, this place is full of gossips." Surprisingly, Spencer didn't make a big deal out of me and Noah and I was really happy about that. Instead, he began to immediately help us figure things out.

"No, not really." Spoke Noah in a deep thought. "Then perhaps the person who started the rumors is someone you already know and told them about it. Or maybe that person could even had done it without knowing you guys actually being in a relationship." "You're right... This situation is tougher than I thought." All this time I remained silent still trying to figure out who could be the one who started the rumors. Then it suddenly clicked.

"That girl..." I spoke now catching both Noah's and Spencer's attention. "The one who threatened me that would start those kind of rumors if I stayed close to you!" Noah's eyes widened and his fists tightened. "Let's go." He said now ready to leave. "Be careful you two." "Thanks, we will." I replied to Spencer as both me and Noah walked outside of the room towards a specific class.


"Ah! You startled me!"

We were waiting outside of one of the classes of the design department. The bell had just rang for a break, and the person to leave first the class, was the very person we wanted to see.

"Do you mind coming with us?" I asked while I tried to appear as calm as I could. "As if! I don't have a reason to come with you." "We didn't ask. Like it or not, you ARE coming with us." Spoke sternly Noah with narrowed eyes as she looked nervously to the ground. "...Fine."

With that, we all walked outside, far away from people. Me and Noah facing a very nervous and angry girl by the name Celly Brown.

"Now, tell me what you want."

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