Chapter 8

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"Hey did you hear? The project we have to complete will be with the help of the second years."

"No way!"

"But why would the professors put us together? We don't need help for a mere photography project."

"It's so to show us how much better we can be. They say when you see someone better than you, it gives you motivation to become someone greater."

"That's lame!"

"It's not!"

I overheard the conversation my classmates had as I stared blankly in the distance. Should I ask Noah to help me? I also want to see how good he is at photography...

"Gosh~ I can't wait to ask Noah Jefferson about it~"

"There are many people who want to ask him, so you better do it before someone else does."

That's right... Everyone wants Noah as their partner in photography... I let out a sigh as I rested my head on the desk. Is there really a point to ask him for help?

I got up from the desk, walked out of the class and made my way to the dorms. When I entered, I took a hold of my Nikon camera and walked once again outside the yard. "Hey Liam! What's up?" Greeted Noah who had appeared out of nowhere once again. This time surprisingly not startling me. "I'm working on the project. Tho I'm still trying to find some inspiration..." I replied taking photos of some random trees in the yard. My eyes then gazed at the gray sky as a chilling sensation rushed through me. The weather was just perfect for a winter photography project.

"Oh that's right. Since I'm your partner, I'll help you take some good photos." My eyes widened as he showed me a smile. "Wait... What? Didn't someone else asked you already?" "Of course they did. But I wanted to help you instead." He talked in a matter of fact tone as he began to walk towards the dorms. For some reason, I actually felt happy he decided to help me. "I'll go take my camera. How about you come with me since it's freezing outside?" "...Alright."

We walked inside the dorms, me following Noah up the to his room. "Here we are." The sound of his key turning to open the locked door. "Aren't you coming in?" "Oh? Yeah, I'm coming." I walked inside his room as Noah turned the lights on. Surprisingly enough, the room was quite messy. "There. We got what we needed, let's go now." "No way... Is this a Phase One XF IQ4?!" I asked in a enthusiastic tone as I rubbed my eyes in disbelief.

"Yup, I got it this summer. It's still pretty new since I didn't used it for very long. You like it?" He laughed gesturing for me to take a hold of his camera only for me to refuse with trembling hands. "O-of course I like it! It's one of the best cameras out there! W-w-wait, isn't this thing also very expensive?!" "Hmm... Not really." He answered shrugging and my mouth went wide open. "What?!" "Ah, I guess for you is huh? I'm sorry, I'm not really good with monies haha..." He gave me an awkward laugh and I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Just to clarify things... Are you wealthy or something?" I finally asked and he just rubbed the back of his head. His eyes looking elsewhere, showing an awkward smile. "Yeah, something like that..." I didn't knew why but at the time, I could swear he looked very reserved about that matter. "Hm, no wonder you got your hands on such an amazing camera." After what I said, Noah looked at me with his calm gaze as a smile not long after was plastered on his face. It seemed as after what I said, made him to sightly relax. Was the conversation about money too troublesome for him?

"Let's get going." "Right." After that, we exited the dorm as the cold touch of the wind tapped once again our skin. "Do you have anything on your mind? A specific idea or place that you want to take photos?" I shook sadly my head as we continued walking around the yard. "How about we go to the park? Maybe you could find some inspiration there." "Sure..." According to Noah's suggestion, we made our way to the park near the university. The weather slowly getting colder and colder.

"It's freaking cold." Noted Noah as I looked up at the sky. Small snowflakes slowly falling from the gray clouds. "It's snowing..." "Oh really?" I raised my hand to the sky and my eyes widened. "Let's take a photo now that it's snowing!" I suggested with an excited smile. "Yeah but what exactly are we going to take a photo of?" "Everything! Let's take a lot of photos!" I was more than excited... I was happy. Since a small age, I always loved the snow. It gave me a relaxing feeling...

I started taking photos with my camera running here and there. My camera looking towards the benches to the trees and up at the sky. "Noah, aren't you going to take some too?" I smiled finally looking at Noah only to see that he already held his camera towards me. Did he took a photo of me? He lowered his camera and looked at me with widened eyes. "Noah?" He started walking closer towards me as I stood there confused. Then... He did something I wasn't expecting at all.

My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster by the second. My body was frozen in place as a million thoughts were passing through my head trying to comprehend the situation.

Noah had kissed me.

Once he let go, I couldn't look at him in the eyes. I was refusing to. "Liam..." He mumbled as the heat in my face only got worse. "Why... Why did you do that? I-I don't understand." I asked him as I took a few steps backwards. "Did you find it strange? Did you hate it?" He questioned me instead, not answering my own question as he began to walk even closer towards me. "Boys aren't supposed to like boys!" I denied everything pushing him away.

"So you find me weird?" My eyes widened once more as guilt started washing over me. I didn't felt weirded out but neither good. I was just overly confused. Suddenly, Noah placed a hand over my head and showed me a warm smile. His eyes in the other hand, held untold pain. "I'm sorry for what I did. To be honest, I wasn't expecting myself to do something like that either. You can just forget about it." After that, he began to walk away, as I stood completely motionless, staring at his back. The feeling of guilt never wavering.

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