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Yuva and Reena was on the way to home. Ayush called her and informed that his car is breakdown. So they picked him up. "Boss... I am starving" he said. "Argh... You again called him Boss?? You just starve to death" Reena said. "How mean??" Yuva asked closing his mouth with his hands dramatically. She rolled her eyes. "You tell me Chintu... What do you want to eat??" Yuva asked. "Anything!!" He said.

Yuva Reena and Ayush went to a small restaurant which she suggested. "You eat in this kind of places??" Yuva asked. "Why it's surprising for you??" She asked. "You rich girl.... Who eats in silver spoon and gold plates" he said. She gestured him to stop. "I used to come here when I was in college... And when did you saw me eating in gold plates dude??" She asked. "That's how rich people are described" he said. "That's all stereotypes... atleast for me" she said. "Guys.... Can we just order??" Ayush asked. They started eating while Yuva noticed some odd people there who were constantly looking at them.

After eating... "You guys go to the car, I will come in a minute" Yuva said. Ayush and Reena went to their car. "God.. sisy I forgot my phone there... I'll go and get it" Ayush said. "I'll come with you... What I'll do all alone" Reena said. They reached there again. They saw Yuva was beating those people. One of the guys saw Reena and throw the knife at her. "Ouch" she screamed. Yuva saw her arm which got a cut and bleeding. "What the hell you are doing here??" He rasped. Ayush was holding Reena's hand. Tears came out of her eyes as a result of that pain. Yuva throw that guy in air as if he weighted nothing for him.

"Ayush take her to the clinic... quick" Yuva ordered. Ayush took her out. Veins popped in Yuva's forehead in aggression and frustration. Only one picture was coming in his mind again and again was her bleeding. Then he beat the shit out of everyone, leaving the guy who hurted her. Lee and one of Rocky's assistant came there. "Bhai leave them" Lee said. Yuva was holding the knife in his hand. "This hand hurted her right??" He asked grabbing that guy's hand. "Bhai... I am sorry Bhai leave me" he begged. He slashed it in a moment. There was no hint of anger or frustration in his face... he was calm... Well that's the danger thing. Thankfully Reena wasn't there to see his dark side.

That guy's screamed filled the whole space. "You are lesson for everyone who tries to harm her" he said. Yuva gestured his hand to his assistant. He handed over the gun to him. "Rest in peace" Yuva said and loaded the bullets in his body simply. Lee and his assistant were scared to see his ruthless behaviour. "Clean this mess in 5 minutes" Yuva ordered. Reena and Ayush reached there after her dressing. That place looked so clean like nothing happened there.

There was a minor cut in his hand. Reena put bandage in it.They sat in the car and Yuva started driving. They all were silent... Specially Yuva was in his deep thoughts. Suddenly stopped the car. "I need to smoke" he said. "But" Reena said. "I know you have dust allergy... don't worry I won't smoke near you!!" He said and went out of the car. He was standing far away from them and started smoking.

His phone rang. It was "Mr. Sharat Gowda". He attended it. "Wow... Took the call in the first ring itself??" He asked. Yuva was silently hearing it. Are you there?? He asked. "Yes" Yuva said. Why the hell you hit them that harshly.... And you killed one of our people?? He barked. "Why did you send them without informing me??" Yuva asked. "I can see that you forgot the reason for your stay there... so I send them to make your remember your motive" he said. "Don't do this kind of things again without telling me.... or else you won't like the consequences!!" Yuva calmly said and disconnected the call.

Where is your boss?? Reena asked in a mocking tone. Ayush gestured her to wait because he was chewing the popcorn while watching Netflix. She shook her head. "I think he is in terrace" he said.

Reena reach terrace. Yuva was doing pushups in a black vest. He was sweating and his hair strands was making him too hot to handle. Reena closed her eyes for a second to distract herself from the view. She cleared her throat to gain his attention. What?? he asked still busy with his workout. She blanked looking at him. He stopped and saw her pale face. "I think you forgot what you wanted to say.... That kind of effect I'm having on you... isn't it??" He asked seductively.

"Oh hello... You are not that worthy!!" She said. Really?? He asked. She rolled her eyes. He got up his feet and came near her. She suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach. He leaned towards her and she gulped... She almost forgot how to breath. But he took the towel behind her and went away from her.

"This guy!!" She thought somewhat disappointed with him. "Will you tell me why you came here to meet me??" He asked. "Actually Yuva" she said. His eyes widened. "From Mr. Rowdy to Yuva... then definitely there is something big " he said. "Not like that... I need a favour from you!!" She said.

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