S3.5 E3: Top Gun: Trigger? Pt.2

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Trigger POV

The day after the last dogfighting exercise all of us were gathered in a lecture hall. On the screen was a new course and objective.

Maverick: Time, is your greatest enemy.

Trigger: Since we have 3 or so weeks to work with we're gonna have to train you guys hard. So here are the mission parameters.

The mission showed a narrow canyon with nothing on it currently.

Maverick: The first phase of the mission will be a low level ingress attacking in 2 plane teams. You'll fly along this narrow canyon.

The screen shows a blue line that will be the flight plan alongside red stars indicating SAM sites.

Trigger: Radar guided surface-to-air missile sites guard the area, and they can put your plane in the ground.

Maverick: But, they are built to defend from an air attack up above, not something from way down low.

Rooster: That's because they know no one is stupid enough to fly through the canyon.

Trigger: No, they knew there was mo one stupid enough. But I'm not part of the strike team so I'm simply helping teach you guys.

Maverick: On mission day the altitude ceiling is less than 100 feet maximum exceed that and you're dead.

Trigger: On the day your minimum speed is over 660 knots with a time to target set at 2:30

Maverick: That's because 5th Gen fighters like the SU-57 are on the prowl, and just Yesterday a flight of SU-30's alongside an X-02 Strike Wyvern have arrived on the field.

Trigger: Shit, Sol Squadron's here?!

Maverick: 'fraid so, and they've brought their best guns, according to the data on the X-02, it has railguns attached.

Hangman: How the hell are we supposed to face that?

Trigger: You're not, I am.

Maverick: Back on topic, all of these factors make time your greatest enemy. Your nav systems have all been given a digital route which simulates the canyon, but the faster you go, the more intense gravity has an effect on you.

Trigger: But, because this the first of many training exercises, the altitude ceiling is increased and the max speed is decreased.

Maverick: Correct, altitude ceiling is 300 feet and the max speed is just over 400 knots with your time to target being 00:03:00:00. Good luck.

Timeskip 30 minutes

Now in the air I was on standby waiting for the signal. What was that signal?

A small timer that showed if someone was late for any reason, at which point I would intercept and chase them down, after all my aircraft is the closest to the SU-57 we had. I would also intercept when they broke the max ceiling to show a worst case scenario.

Phoenix: Talk to me Bob!

Bob: 2 seconds behind schedule! We need to speed up!

Coyote: Copy that! Increasing speed to 460 knots!

Trigger: Let's see how this goes.......

I stayed in line with the sun from their point of view like an ambush predator looking for their prey to slip up. Finally it happened Coyote suddenly slowed down sharply causing Phoenix to pull up above the altitude ceiling.

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