S1 E8: Shopping+Cousins

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General POV

Wednesday; November 30, 2029

Everyone had gotten back to the new base unscathed with the representatives of both Berk and....Equestria now talking with the leaders of Remnant, the UN, the Rebellion, the Resistance, the Jedi Order, Starfleet, Monarch, the Pirate Brethren, and many others that I fail to list down as of this moment. Currently Montana was with the Cleveland sisters....without Cleveland for whatever reason.

Montana: Remind me again why I'm here.

Columbia: 'Cause we see the way you glance at Cleveland, we know you have a small thing for her.

Montana: *blushing slightly* What?! No I don't!

Montpelier: C'mon, you've fallen for her and she's fallen for you.

Montana: Oh please, name one time I tried to get together with Cleveland or vise-versa.


Scene 1

The scene shows Montana trying to build ip the courage to talk to Cleveland in the cafeteria.

Montana: *thoughts* Alright man, this is your chance, just don't screw this up.

Montana slowly walks to Cleveland's table and slowly gets more confident as he takes each step....

Montana: *thoughts* I can do this. I can do this. I can do this! I CAN DO THIS!!!

....before bailing out last second.

Montana: *thoughts* ican'tdothisican'tdothis.......

The scene shows that the Cleveland sisters watched the whole thing and facepalmed when Montana bailed.

Scene 2

This scene shows Cleveland......doing.......it....while yelling and moaning Montana's name

(Me: I'm not writing that down.

Cleveland: *blushing hard* GOOD!!!)

Her sisters are then shown peeking into the doorway blushing heavily.

Columbia: I'll never get that image out of my head.

Montage end

Montana: ........oh

Columbia: Yeah, now there's an upcoming dance to lighten up the atmosphere, so we want you to ask her out and we want it to be a surprise.

Denver: I still don't see why we didn't ask Cleveland to ask out Montana over here.

Montpelier: It's because it's better to know the person she's taking as her date first.

Montana: I'm gonna die today....

Of course they dragged him to a tailor to get a suit made.

Columbia: And here we are!

Denver: Alright, now just to get his suit made.

Montana: *as he is dragged into the store* This is going to be a long day.

Timeskip 3 hours

A few hours later the 4 ships walked out with a new suit made for Montana.

Montana: That didn't take as long as I thought it would.

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