S3 E4: Houston, the Eagles have landed

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General POV

Ozpin had finished setting up the initiation for Montana and his family to properly be accepted into Union Academy. Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and Team CRDL were going to be fighting the 4 to test their limits and teamwork.

Montana: Ok, let's get this over with.

Glynda: I want all my students alive after this you hear.

Cleveland: Relax professor, we'll go easy on them.

Linc: *whispering to Pearl* No we won't.

Pearl giggled but got into combat stance the rest of us squatted down low and brought out our riggings and/or weapons. Glynda then counted us all down.

Glynda: 5!

Dove: Please go easy on us....

Lincoln: *flares up Aura* How 'bout nah.

Glynda: 4!

Jaune: We're gonna die.

Weiss: For once I agree.

Glynda: 3!

Ruby: C'mon team RWBY, we can take 'em!

Glynda: 2!

Cardin: Team up on the girl, she still doesn't have a semblance!

Pearl: Never needed it before, no need for it now.

Glynda: 1! GO!!!

The four of us charged taking on a team each, with the only exception being me and Cleveland both of us going to fight Team RWBY, CRDL had the unfortunate luck of going up against Lincoln who had a copy cat semblance while JNPR had to deal with a battle hardened pirate.

Pearl's superior sword skills immediately overpowered Jaune before yeeting him away before engaging Pyrrha who, somehow, started struggling against her while Pearl's canons kept both Nora and Ren at bay.

Nora: Oh come on! Just lemme hit you!!!

Ren: Nora, she's in a sword fight, she has to keep moving.

Pyrrha: *locks swords with Pearl* You're pretty good.

Pearl: Thanks, not too bad yourself.

They then continue to speed up their fight before Pearl had run Pyrrha out of bounds before turning to Nora and Ren and starting to fight them.

Meanwhile Lincoln was playing a pinball game with himself as the metal marble and Team CRDL as the pins, safe to say it ended in his favor. _RDL had already passed out or lost their Aura while Cardin was barely standing.

Lincoln: What's the matter boys? Can't touch me?

Cardin: *tired af* Just.....let us.....hit you....

Lincoln: Hm.......nah. *flicks Cardin's forehead letting him fall outta bounds*

Glynda: Team CRDL, out!

Pearl: Linc! I need some help here!!!

Pearl was currently dodging between Nora's shots while clashing with Ren. So I charged in and knocked Nora away using a 5 inch HE round.

Lincoln: What do I do?!

Pearl: Keep Nora busy!

Lincoln: Right!

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