S1 E4: Universe collision

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General POV

Our squad of heroes and their friends and family are heading to a specific point near Midway to pay their respects(or search for treasure in Pearl's case and wage a war in Azur Lane's case), but the sirens are there waiting for the Black Pearl, who's running late, to finally arrive.

Purifier: C'mon can I push the big red button yet?

Observer A: No, plus do you even know which button to press?

Purifier: Yes, I know.

Tester B: You do know that there are 2 big red buttons to combine universes on that control board...right?

Purifier: Well, I am here, am I not? Plus what's the difference.

Observer A: One button only combines our universe with the 3 others, the other button combines every. Single. Universe imaginable.

Tester B: Which is exactly why I don't want you to push the button.

Purifier: Guys! She's here!

Finally on 1/4 screens the Pearl is finally in view in the other screens it shows Azur Lane, Nimitz's strike group, and the Loud Family's galleon.

Tester B: Ok, now whatever you do Purifier, don't push the left button... *beep* ...because I am going to push....it.....

Tester and the camera pan over to see Purifier had pushed the big red button on the right, a label above the button actually said 'Combine all universes' the label above the left button said 'Combine subject universes'.

Observer A: Purifier you IDIOT!!!

With the Nimitz carrier strike group

We were all quietly paying our respects to the deceased members of USS Yorktown and USS Hamman when flashes of red lightning struck in and around the CSG.

Nimitz: What the hell?!

Montana: What's happening.

Yorktown: I dunno!

Bunker Hill: Well, if we don't find out what this is then we're all screwed!

But these red flashes of lightning weren't limited to just the area around USS Yorktown and USS Hamman's wreck, in the Irish Sea just off the coast of Barrow-in-Furness these bright flashes of Red Lightning also occured big enough to form an island, in the Bahamas another smaller island was being formed by the Red Lightning with strong storms in certain areas around Jamaica, in the Pacific off the coast of Hawaii another small atoll started forming with storms raging everywhere on Earth, even inland small towns were starting to form inside the Red Lightning, in the air multiple storms spawned multiple fighter jets and AWACS jets, in space multiple galaxies combined and grew around each other. Back with the CSG a brilliant red FLASH left everyone stunned, when they came too they noticed more ships in the formation from galleons to WW2 era warships including a few ships Montana recognized. Our 4 heroes locked eyes for the very first time even though they've known each other for roughly a year.

Montana: Ho....

Cleveland: ......ly...

Pearl/Lincoln: Shit!

Our squad of heroes all locked eyes with the person(ship in Lincoln's case) they've been body swapping with for last year. Suddenly all their friends and family members connected the dots as to how this all happened in the first place.

Nimitz: What the hell's been going on here?

Montana: To be completely honest with you Nimitz.....I have no clue what was really happening, but it involves a lot of sci-fi and magic.

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