"Hello." She answered.

"Baby, go ahead without me. Ima stay here with Tim."

"What?! Why?"

"I'll explain later."

There was a long pause. Mya knew something had to be up for Chris to bail on her. "Alright, I'll be back in a few."

"Okay baby."


Chris hung up his phone and tossed it in the in the chair behind him then he laid Tim back on the bed. Exhaling he went and sat down and ran his hands over his head. Only thing he could do was let Tim sleep the drugs off.


An hour went past and there was a knock on the hotel door. Chris got up from his seat and opened it. Mya stood there, her nose and eyes were red so before Chris said anything he just pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. "You okay?"

She shook her head. "Feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare."

"Well unfortunately, we have another problem on our hands."


He pointed towards the bedroom and Mya went that way. When she saw her brother fast asleep on the bed, she looked back at Chris confused. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"He's on drugs Mya."

"Are you serious?!"

"Yeah, that's why he couldn't come downstairs. He off a Xanax right now."

"Oh my goodness! It's enough bullshit going on."

"He tryna cope Mya, I know you wanna be mad but you gotta understand a little bit."

"How long does it take for him to come out of this?"

"Some hours."

"Ugh." Mya's head tossed back as tears rolled down her face. Her strong facade was starting to fade and she felt herself getting ready to snap. Writing that check to that funeral home kind of made reality set in and now she has to deal with her brother and his coping mechanisms.

"Let's go chill in the living room. I already told my mama we'll be a minute." Chris grabbed her hand and led her out to the couch. He sat down then pulled Mya on her lap. "How did everything go?"

"Okay, I guess. His body is here, his casket is custom so that might take a few days. The funeral is next Tuesday." Saying that took the wind out of Mya. She exhaled and placed her hand on her chest. "If you want to write for the obituary, let me know."

Chris nodded. "If this starts feeling like too much for you, let me know."


The room grew quiet.

"I'm doing this podcast for Valentine's Day with all the couples. I know you'll be out of town so we'll have to schedule around that." Mya spoke up.

"I'm down."

"So will we get to spend Valentine's Day together?"

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