Chapter 1: Meeting Alpha Blake

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My eyelids felt as if they were being pulled downward by strings. I fought the strings pulling them down. I felt DYlan's car pull into the driveway. "Thanks Dyl, I appreciate it. If you go in my Alpha will freak. I'll call you okay?" I said with my voice full of gratitude. I was grateful and thankful I had one person who cared for me other than my mom. "Ok, call me," Dylan said , sounding defeated.

I quietly stumbled into the pack mansion with my eyes half open. I walked to the staircase and came to a sudden halt, when an alluring fragrant hit my nostrils. My eyes flew open completely. So yummy, delicious. It was so pleasant. I purred as the scent became more strong. Woah did I just purr? yes you did now shhh A soft, sweet voice said in my head. Weird. I heard voices so I stopped in my tracks. "My pack is strong and large in number. There's only one person who brings us down. A mistake on my part. My pathetic excuse of a daughter, but she's not a problem. I think this will be great for both of our packs. By conjoining our packs, Alpha Blake can take my place and become the Alpha of the strongest pack in the united states of America." I heard Alpha Caine (kate's dad) convince. "Yes, we have an agreement." I heard a deep voice, the voice of an angel. I couldn't bring myself to leave the spot I was in but I decided to leave and tip toe up to my room.

I tip toed up 8 stairs before I felt sharp pain on the back of my head, I groaned. My eyes snapped open on how loud I was. Oh no, please. In a moment I felt a hand wrap around my neck. I couldn't do it could I? I couldn't have just went to school and done what I had to do. WHY? The same fragrance from before whipped me in my face. I felt my dad drag me by my neck down the 8 stairs. I felt pain all over now. He whipped me around to face the crowd of wolves. "Unfortunately this is my mortal daughter." The scent was so close so good. I searched the room. My eyes zoomed in on one guy. His expression full with love and joy. My heart did back flips. 'MINE MINE MINE MY MAN!! MATE! GO TO YOU'RE MATE! DO IT! DO IT NOW!! YOU BETTER DO IT OR ELSE I'LL MENTALLY SLAP YOUR ASS. LIKE BITCH SLAP! SLAP THAT BITCH UP! MATE! GO! please' the same voice from before spoke up again, pleading. Oh he was handsome. i wonder if it looks like i'm eye raping him right now. I HAVE A MATE! He shook his head and his expression became full with disgust and hatred. I felt my heart shatter. Wait I don't even know him snap out of it, but then again he's my mate. "Should I snap her neck" My father asked the crowd daringly. I heard some people chant yes and growls.

"Caine! Stop this instant!" I heard my mother's angelic voice yell. I felt the grip on my neck drop. My body fell to the floor with a thud. My head was pounding. "I'll punish her since I'm to be the next Alpha" I heard a deep voice say. I felt my body being lifted from the ground bridal style. I felt like I was being electrocuted. It felt nice though. Weird. We were at the 5 th floor in a matter of 15 seconds. I felt my back hit the bed hard. I cringed, the pain was unbearable.

"You're pathetic you know that right?" Blake said. My body went numb, just numb. 'w-w-what?' the same voice said quietly. I could feel my heart being squeezed and pulled apart. "Y-y-yes I know" I responded in a raspy voice. My eyes were closed so tightly it hurt. "Look at me" Blake yelled in my face. I snapped open my eyes to see he was hovering over me with his forearms on either side me. I saw his face more clearly. His jaw looked like the gods sculpted it. He has full lips and milk chocolate hair. His eyes were electric blue. I thought my eyes were the most vivid until I saw his. I let my eyes bore into his. "We're mates if you haven't noticed. You're pathetic, ugly and you look like you anorexic. That's only sugar coating it. Look maybe if you had personality and wasn't as shy then I would accept you,but then again you're a human. I didn't want to do this but I have to. I Alpha Blake reject you Kate Moore." I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I-I-I-I had a mate and I screwed it up. Tears were daring to push out of my now shut eyes. I slowly opened my eyes when i felt his knuckles graze my cheek. " I'm so so sorry. Our pups would be a disgrace, if we were together," he said while pressing his forehead into mine. My wolf liked him this close. His lips pressed into mine gently, I wrapped my arms around his neck. His tongue brushed against my bottom lip. I felt electricity everywhere, I opened my mouth. His tongue hungrily roamed my mouth. I moaned into his mouth. He slowly pulled away, his eyes glowed the brightest blue for a split second but they turned cold. " You're rejected, don't call me your mate. Never speak of this," he ordered. The tears flowed down my cheeks like a river. As soon as senior year was over i was leaving, running.

Blake's POV (right after rejecting her)

I hovered above my beautiful mate. Oh god she had such nice eyes. Blue, green and gold rimming the pupil. I studied her face. Perfect nose. Perfect jaw. Perfect lips. Perfect eyes. The same perfect eyes I saw tears trying to push out of, I could tell even though they were closed. I ran my knuckle down her cheek. Oh so soft, so nice. She revealed her perfect eyes. "I'm so so sorry. Our pups would be a disgrace, if we were together," I said while pressing my forehead into hers. We kept eye contact. My eyes lowered down to her lips. 'my lips you mean my lips' My wolf said. I didn't think and pressed my lips into hers ever so gently. Her big full lips were on mine and fireworks practically went off. I ran my tongue along his bottom lip. Her, She tasted so good. She slowly opened her mouth. My tongue roamed around in her mouth. She moaned and I was about to lose it. Oh her moaned was just so oh god. I needed to pull away before I do something I regret and end up hurting her. I pulled away and saw her lips were now swollen and red. I wanted to kiss them again. Snap out of it. I jumped off her. "You're rejected, don't call me your mate. Never speak of this" I ordered using my alpha tone. I left with that and the sound of my wolf yelling at me. Then I heard sobs and immediately wanted to run back and hold her and kiss her. No I can't and won't

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~months after, day before graduation ~~~

~Kate's POV~

I sat in bed reading, when a sharp pain erupted in my chest. My breathing hitched, oh no I only felt this pain once before and that was when I was being rejected. A lightbulb went off in my head. 'he's in bed with some slut! imma beat that whore to a pulp i don't give a shit who it is. imma beat this whore! ' my wolf bellowed. I needed to know if she was right. I tip toed down the stairs to Alpha Blake's room. The door left open just a bit , wow my luck. I heard loud moans, Oh no please this can't be happening. "Yeah Blake harder, ughhhh" I heard a woman's voice breath out. Maybe they're pounding dough or making pizza. I peaked into the room and saw the most horrifying scene. My mate thrusting into this random girl's uh ummm 'Hole'. Frozen I had to leave before they saw me. I ran up the stairs and right inside my room. I had a wolf who was incapable of shifting and only spoke every few months. My life is pretty bad.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After graduarion~~~~~~~~~

I hugged my mom tightly. Dylan and I were attending college in New York. I needed to get away from Pennsylvania. "Anything you need call my cell," she said sweetly. I nodded. My mom was paying. i was so grateful for that. I heard a faint knock at the front door. I quickly opened the door and Dylan came in. "Hi Mrs. Moore!" Dylan exclaimed happily. "Hi sweetheart," my mom greeted Dylan. I only had to load my things in the car since Dylan already went to New york city and put her things in our apartment. My mom handed me a wallet full of money."Mom you do-" she interrupted me "I do, anyways you'll need the money" my mom smiled hut it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I love you" I said as I hugged her one last time. 'Love you too," she said sadly. We loaded my valuables and items on the car and left.

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