Chapter 2: Change

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Change. I have changed in so many different ways I thought to myself. I walked into the supermarket. 'Beep' I took out my phone and caught a glance at the time, 10:26 p.m. Only an hour until Dylan, kasey and Aly got to my apartment for our little sleepover. Such little time till my birthday, Only 2 days.

I walked down the snack aisle. I must looked crazy grocery shopping at 10 o clock I thought to myself. I threw many bags of Cheetos in to the cart. I threw in pop tarts as well. The rest of the snacks were completely random. I rushed down to we're the whip cream and ice cream was. I chose vanilla and chocolate. I chose other random flavors.

I walked to a checkout lane. The cashier looked at me like I was crazy being $59 dollars on candy and snacks. I blushed a scarlet red. He smiled and gave me my bags. I smiled and left the store. I walked to my baby. My Lamborghini. I stroke the hood and stuffed my goodies inside the baby. ( lol that sounds really weird xD)

I reached for the car handle and felt as if I was being watched. I shuddered, even though it was summer. My eyes quickly zoomed in on a hooded figure. Vampire or wolf? I reached my hand for the handle and as quick as light I felt a cold hand wrap around my neck. Cold as snow.

Well by the speed it's way to fast to be a werewolf and by the lack of heat in 90 degrees weather I'm dealing with a vampire. I smirked at his foolishness. Does he know who's he dealing with? I concentrated on the security cameras I saw before and after I came in. 2 small pops burst threw the air. Distracted the vampire loosened his grip and gave me enough time to turn around tried to knee him in the stomach, but ended up kneeing him lower . He didn't want to grab his little 'friend in front of me but in all truth I just enabled him for ever having kids.

I stood 6 feet in front if him when he lunged for my neck. Just as fast as he is I am. I reached out my arm and grabbed his neck. I flicked my wrist and heard a snap. That would hold him off, "W-what are you?" He choked out with a quizzical expression in his face. I smirked "you're worst nightmare " I said. Such an overused phrase but I don't know! I let fire dance on my palm " now I need to get going, so don't bother me with your pointless questions antmore." He nodded and stumbled away. 

I got into my car and stomped on the gas. God, people can be annoying. I parked at a random spot and walked with all the groceries to my apartment. I turned the key to my apartment. I collapsed onto my couch and ,sighed.

I heard 2 knocks. Wow one minute on the couch and I have to get back up. 'Lazy' my wolf said."Be right there!!" I said while slipping on a pair of grey sweat pants and a white tank top. Within 15 seconds I opened the door to Dylan, Kasey and Aly. "Hey Kate! Long time no see", kasey said. I hugged the twins. "No hug for me?" Dylan asked with a pout on her face. I giggled and gave her a bear hug.

Kasey set down a Taco Bell bag in the table. I raised an eyebrow at her. Kasey despised Taco Bell. "Ew how can you eat that!" "That's so unhealthy!" "You're going to die 20 years younger" were just some of the phrases she used when she spoke about taco bell.. She shrugged and smiled "It's so good!". "I told you! Taco Bell is irresistible, even though its probably one of the in healthiest things on earth," I said seeing if she was just joking around.

I heard her heart beat faster and noticed she was started to sweat. "Umm I c-" I interrupted her by laughing. "I'm kidding, calm down its probably not that unhealthy," I said giggling. She let a sigh, and a nervous laugh. "So who's ready for a mini party thing?" Dylan asked awkwardly.

---2 hours later---

"T-t-that was some scary shi- AHHHH!" I screamed. I thought I saw a spider on the wall. Spiders. They are the most evil, malicious mean creatures. I can't go near them, see them or even dream about them without pissing my pants.

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