Chapter 5: Choices

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POV: Xisuma
Location: Meeting Room, Admin HQ

This was the last thing I wanted to be hearing. How can I go back to Hermitcraft and act like everything is fine when it isn't? My mind was racing with all sorts of questions and thoughts, each one gradually getting worse and more terrifying to think of than the last.

In all my years of being an admin, I've heard tales of the Watchers and what they're capable of. I've always seen them as myths, I didn't realise they were real beings and an actual threat to minecraft and everyone who lives in it.

The most popular tale most admins know and some players is the one about an old server known as 'Evolution smp'. No-one knows who was on that server or the exact details of what happened. It's been assumed that the admin was captured by the watchers and is either being tortured in the watchers base or has been killed. It's also suspected that all the players of the server were killed during the process of the watchers taking it over and completely corrupting it until the server itself failed, crashed and all traces of it ever existing disappeared. There are other tales of the watchers destroying places but Evolution smp is the only server known to just disappear as a result of the watchers. The reason I've never believed in them is because the story seemed too far fetched to be real, I didn't think it was possible for a few beings to perma-kill and erase an entire server from existence.

Whoever the admin was for that server I definitely feel bad for them as well as all the players who were on that server. I just can't help but worry about my server after hearing about this. I'm sure the other admins with servers are going to be on edge too. We all clearly have questions but none of us seem to have the confidence to ask the Primes any questions.

It was almost complete silence in the meeting room now, beside from the odd admin shuffling in their seat or Prime Admin Astra's wings fluttering slightly due to her panic. The other Prime Admin had turned away from us slightly and seemed to be somewhat lost in thought.

It was an unusual sight to see both Prime Admins out of their usual character. Astra is normally very confident, she usually stands fairly straight and her wings are always neatly folded behind her back. However, her wings were fluttering every now and then and she wasnt standing up as straight or confidently as she normally would be. She was leaning forward with her hands resting on the table for support and her hood had fallen to completely cover her face. It looked as though she was staring straight down into the table as if it would give her all the answers she needed go defeat the watchers.

Meanwhile, the usually secretive Prime Admin who often stood in the shadows, rarely spoke or paid any attention to anything during meetings seemed more focused than usual. His head was tilted slightly towards the floor, one arm was crossed against his chest and the other had an elbow resting on the first arm while his hand covered his mouth. It was also unusual to have heard him speak earlier. Unfortunately, I was one of the admins who didn't quite catch what he said to Astra earlier. His voice sounded kind of familiar but it was hard to tell if I knew it or not because I barely heard him speak in the first place.

The silence was hard to bare for much longer, there were several questions that I was burning to ask and I couldn't keep them to myself for much longer. I needed answers and I needed to know if there was a way I could ensure my friends would be safe on Hermitcraft.

"Prime Admins, is it alright if I ask a couple questions?" I said as clearly and confidently as I could, hoping I didn't sound to shaky.

Astra picked her head up and looked at me and the other Prime turned towards me as well. Then they both turned their heads towards each other and nodded.

"I think it's best Prime answers the questions. Although I've been Prime Admin for longer, he has more experience on this topic than I do." Astra replied in a soft almost tearful tone, her voice was still somewhat shaky but it seemed to be clearer than it was a few moments ago.

The Wings I Was Forced To Have. [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon