Act 11: Waking Up With More Work

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Image ending a war, while fighting another war? I can't, I'm the one writing this :)

Sitting still in the endless black void with nothing but a floating loading screen, Y/N stared with bored eyes as he watched the loading bar slowly fill. It was excruciating just to sit still and do absolutely nothing. Well, besides the whole role play battle he had made a while ago, nothing much really happened.

And thus, he was left alone in this endless void which-! . . . . Hey uh, Y/N

"What is it?"

Umm, someone's behind you.

"What?" Turning around, Y/N was met with a strange sit. Fog, white fog slowly began to spread across the black void before slowly a lone figure under a floating tree could be seen emerging from the fog.

The person was wearing a shrine priest kimono, short white hair, blue eyes, and several white coloured tails. They gave a quick glance over to Y/N as a pair of white fox ears appeared atop his head. Y/N, was visibly bored that he turned back around without a care.

"Hey, welcome to my mind. If you're a reincarnate here to try and talk reason about why I'm attacking, then you just wasted your own time." The nine tailed priest simple chuckled before revealing himself.

"Well aren't you a stubborn type? In any case, I'll introduce myself. My name is Kito, one of the three leaders in the reincarnation faction which you fight. So tell me, would you please give me your name?" Y/N looked over his shoulder to see the kind facade the little wanna be god put up.

He scoffed before speaking his mind.

"And why the hell should I tell you that? For all I know, you could use some bullshit magic power to mess with me all because I gave you my name." The little God's face didn't break as Y/N expected, instead he remained visibly claim. Something that made Y/N cautious.

"Well then, looks like I won't be having my way around this time." With that said, several dozen different coloured swords and spears all began to appear around Kito. With a smug expression, he raised his hand up before throwing it forward. "In any case, I'll be sure to kill you here and now after all the trouble you put me through."

Looking at the situation with a serious expression, Y/N raises his hand up and immediately a wall of red light appeared. A fire wall was formed causing all the thrown weapons to desegregate upon impact. Kito, looked distressed at the situation.

Taking a serious expression, he waved his arms around and formed blue balls of fire. The fire balls then exploded in blue flames to form several different armoured spirits in the form of samurai. With flaming eyes, they all drew their various swords, spears, and katana's and charged at the fire wall.

All the while, Kito contiunes casting spells at rapid succession causing different coloured explosions. Y/N gave a hard stare toward Kito, all the while checking the fire wall he placed. Kito even went as far as to continuously summon more Samurai, some bigger than others with weapons for their size. Shifting his gaze back toward the loading bar, Y/N click his tongue between his teeth before standing up.

Turning around, Y/N gave a menacing stare as Kito gave a smug grin. "Willing to talk now?" He asked while never letting up his attacks. Y/N meanwhile just continued to glare before he gave a long tired sigh. Running his fingers though his hair, began shaking his head side to side before speaking.

"No not really, considering that you basically screwed yourself over." Confused, Kito looked toward Y/N with a questioning stare. 

"What are you playing at?" Kito asked with an edge within his voice, all the while continued to attack the seemingly invincible fire wall. Y/N chuckled, before he spoke with a wicked smile on his face

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