Act 2: Echo Base

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Arthurs Note: Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that in Act 1 was sorta based on some other story, shout out to AleonCybrium for the story idea and his story. 

Other then that everything else from this point is me basically trying to make something work which is hard... But at the same time its really fun. So yeah just wanted to get that out of the way.

So without further a due, enjoy the story. :)

(Y/N)= Your name





(Location: Northern Parliament Naval Base) 

In the frozen base of Northern Parliament Sovetskaya Rossiya is currently in her office, looking through reports and going through supply requests. An average day with all the fighting up in the North with the Sirens.

But, recently most if not all siren activity in the North has stopped. Something that Rossiya is finding very unsettling. 'Why leave all the sudden' she thought, 'they clearly had us by the ropes, so why-' 

*Knock, Knock*

Rossiya is pulled out from her thoughts as she perks her head up. "Enter." she states with a neutral tone. The door to her office opens and in comes Avrora. 

"Comrade Avrora, its good to see you." She says with a friendly tone.

"Da comrade Rossiya." Avrora moved to the front of Rossiya's desk and pulled out a bottle of vodka for Rossiya to see. "Something to warm yourself up comrade." 

"Da, thank you comrade" Rossiya had taken the drink and started to get two glasses for the both of them. "Comrade Avrora I require some... insight in a matter I've been dealing with, would you help if your willing to stay and listen." Avrora just nodded with a smile.

"If I can bring some light into your troubles comrade Rossiya then I'll gladly stay." Rossiya smiles and gets the two cups. She hands one to Avrora.

The two then move to two sets of couches and sit opposite of one another with the glasses in hand. "Now then, what's troubling you our most glorious leader~?" She asked with a sing song voice.

Rossiya had downed the whole glass and closed her eyes, she rested her back on the couch for a moment before replying. "Its the sirens Avrora, they've... gone quiet, too quiet."


'Well, not like I have any regrets in what I'm doing.' sitting in an office in the newly constructed fleet base I so cleverly named Echo Base, I'm currently going though my holo screen for reports and anything of the like.

I yawn at the digital pile of paper work that I'm stuck with. 'I know giving them mental models was the right thing to do at the time, but now...' 

I look outside my office to see some girls chasing each other over something I can't really see nor care about. I sigh "...I think I'm going to just get some fresh air." I roll my eyes and head toward the door.

90 minutes earlier 

"Alright, this will do." The fleet has made planet fall with my ship at the for front. "Now then, lets get this base up and running then." Giving my commands, the inside fabricator begins to make tier 1 and 2 fabricator rings.

I then lower my ship to the surface of the water and begin to operate the ships systems. "opening bay doors, launch ship." With that, the capital ship for the sea fleet I'll be making was release into the ocean.

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