Act 3: Storm in the North

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To say that I was excited is kind of an understatement, I mean come on I was basically on the edge of my seat when I went back to my ship to watch the battle unfold before me. On one end I have the defence fleet of Echo base, which consisted of my personal fleet of 32 Paris-class ships, 30 destroyers, 15 cruisers, 10 subs, 3 fleet carriers with mental models, and 5 battleships with mental models like the carriers. Along with the hidden fleet I made.

The enemy fleet consisted of around 150 warships with 50 or so siren elites with properly more at the ready in their bullshit portals lead by a leader siren of sorts, I wasn't big on anime besides warships and blue steel so blame my lack of action to read up on this stuff. What I do know is that a battle between quality from my end is about to clash with a fleet of quantity. Will numbers beat my fleet or will my high end advance ships win... "Ok I think we all know where this is going so lets just get to the blasting already. I wanna watch a battle that would make Michale Bay proud."

POV Fleet Carrier Rio

Standing tall against the wave of enemy warships that approach our masters base is me, my sisters, and the whole of the defence fleet including our masters very own fleet. In some sense, I should feel relaxed or confident as that is what these strange feelings are called by Y/N. However, my intuition is telling me other wise.

I let myself lean against my ships island and let my long blond hair wave in the wind with my blue hoodie and black short skirt. '*Sigh* it's been a long week.' I thought. The sound of jet engines soon breaches the silent moment I have, I turn to see two of my jets are prepping for take off. A moment later their off the deck and in the air with the other squadrons I sent earlier.

I soon perk my head up as I got a ping from one of my sister. "Sigh, what could be the problem now?" I ask myself, closing my eyes I let mind wonder in the joint tactical network that we share with the fleet. Soon I open my eyes to see myself standing in a gazebo with a tea set on a table right in front of me. The area surrounding the gazebo is a lush garden of flowers of varying colours from red to blue.

I look to the opposite end of the table to see a girl with bright blond hair tied short in a pony tail reaching down her lower back. She had grey eyes that was focused on the tea she was brewing for herself. She wore an elegant dark blue dress that had a silver Lily-flowered on her chest, she had frills on the end of her dress as it showed her shoulders and part of her back. This was my older sister, Lily.

"You called?" I asked while taking a seat opposite of her. She didn't stop looking at her tea and instead responded while stirring her tea.

"You know, patience is a virtue that many do not poses. It's something that can give one the advantage in battle and in getting to ones heart." my sister said in a poetic tone, 'God I've only been born a week and I'm already tired of your sage like mind set.' I thought out loud. "You know, its rude to think of something like that in front of your older sister, right??" she asked in a sickly smile that sent shivers down my spine.

'Shit! How the hell did she know!' I thought while trying to keep a poker face on. "Again, its not nice to with hold negative thoughts." she said in a sing song voice with that damed smile. I had a sweat drop coming down my face as my poker face broke a bit from her on point accusations. She now raised her tea up and took a sip, a moment later she finished and looked at the tea with a frown. "Still too bitter."

Finding my time to take the conversation I open up with my own question, "So why exactly did you call me here Lily? You don't do something like this on a whim or to wish me or Brock luck, so why the special call?" Lily now placing her tea cup with a click looked up to me with a smile and responded.

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