Act 1: Making an entrance

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"Finally, its finished!" I yelled with so much excitement and joy in my voice. "This whole thing took for Freaking ever to build, but it was all worth it!"

Floating before me are 20 white rings with blue lines travelling all along the outside, with some blue liquid metal floating in the middle.

"It took some time but now its finally done." I was now smiling like a mad man. "Now then, lets build up some spaceships and do a halo!" the 20 rings soon separated from each other and began to expand to make the ships. 

I was just sitting their with a big smile, like a kid on Christmas Day but bigger. 

The rings soon began to materialize the 20 ships as each started at the front all the way to the back, and under less then 20 some seconds later I had a small flotilla of Paris-class frigates.

Looking at them, I started to see the new look and detail that the all got. Each ship was about 1.6km in length and 0.6km in width. The ship also had a changed look as it now had a deep blue and black armour colour set with neo blue lights highlighting the ship.

I also had its weapons changed out as it now holds a super-gravitation cannon instead of its Mac gun, 20inch photon guns, corrosive missiles, acoustic missiles, lighting missiles, a wave-force armour, a mirror-ring system, and a two long-swords as a finishing touch to the versatility of weapons and technology on each ship.

It was awesome because I think I just had a nerd out from just standing here and taking it all in. 

Shaking my head I thought, 'ok, enough looking, time to focus on the work at hand.' Giving another set of commands, I ask 15 of the 20 fabricator rings to build more Paris-class ships giving me a total of 35 ships.

The remaining five I ordered to start construction of a ship for myself. 

"Alright I've put a lot of thinking and effort into this, so lets go with something like this." giving the ship, the five rings fly up high into the sky and begin to form the ship.

Soon all the other rings join in and speed up the process giving me my personal ship.

Soon all the other rings join in and speed up the process giving me my personal ship

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(note: I do not own this, give thanks to the actual creator.)

"...HOLY SHIT! That things huge!" Looking at the monster of a warship that I created, I was shock. I know I made the ship and specifications to it myself but still, its freaking huge!

I suddenly felt a strange tug on my very being. I look up to feel the ships connection with me, acting like another part of my being. It felt cool, like how you do a super hero landing or connect with your pet for once.

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