Act 7: A War's End

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Hello, It's me. The goblin on the FBI watch list :). Anyway, here's a new chapter and I hope you all enjoy it. Also note, yes I'm reusing music from my other books and nobody can stop me >:)

(P.S. Was too lazy to write down the noises for this scene)

In the orbiting rings of Saturn, the planet could be seen stretching for miles on end as its form loomed over the circling rings of rock. In the field of endless asteroids, a looming figure of a space ship could be seen emerging from behind one of the larger asteroids. It was a red coloured UNSC Paris-class frigate, one moment it remained still, the next moment it discharged a powerful beam of red from its bow end.

Following the trail of red, a massive space battle was taking place between the red fleet of UNCS ships and an unknown force of space ships. They had a common white armoured colour with a single red dash running along the top of the bow end of the ship to the bottom.

 They had a common white armoured colour with a single red dash running along the top of the bow end of the ship to the bottom

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(P.S. Again, I'm lazy but it does look cool.)

The red beam from before soon came crashing down onto one of these ships Portside. A blue translucent bubble in the rough shape of the ship was formed as it tried to resist the beams power. However, after a moment longer the shield fell and the beam pierced through the ship leaving a large gapping hole of glowing metal.

The ship would only remain for another moment as it exploded in two. All around, both sides exchanged fire as the red UNSC fleet held the advantage in terms of firepower and maneuvering. The alien fleet in question was losing ships every minute as their numbers and fire power dwindled down. The alien fleet would exchange fire, but it would never be effective against the red fleet.

On the bridge of a damaged alien ship, a humanoid figure could be seen watching the events of its fleet unfold around it. Another red beam from the UNSC fleet destroyed another ship near the alien's own. The explosion illuminated the room and the alien figure to revel- "WHAT THE HELL I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE AZUR LANE WORLD, NOT HALO?!" a human boy. To be more precise, a 17 year old high schooler whose been reincarnated and given command over some alien race.

The boy was clearly angry, angry over the fact that his fleet was losing. "Damn it all! I thought with my knowledge I could save the Azur lane world and get a harem of hot chicks, not die by some nameless fleet!" The ship began to shake as an explosion was heard.

"Damage to the Portside!"

"Our fleets formation is lost!"

"The enemy has us surrounded!"

"Fighters incoming!"

Another explosion lurches the ship to the side making the boy grip onto the railing to stop himself from falling. Looking outside in space, he could see the remainder of his fleet was falling apart as the constant bombardments and torpedo bomber attacks ripped the fleet apart and his ships.

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