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Today we are getting discharged but before we can leave they want to do a scan to make sure everything is ok with baby

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Today we are getting discharged but before we can leave they want to do a scan to make sure everything is ok with baby. The nurse walked in with the machine placing it beside me.

"I'm just going to put this cold gel onto your stomach" The nurse says applying it

She starts doing what she has to as look at Lorenzo who has my hand in his close to chest. The room was silent and I didn't like it. I mean I love silence but this was making me nervous. I turn back to the nurse before she smiles and turns the screen so we can see.

"Id say your about two weeks away from hitting four months" She says

I smile as she prints the scan handing us the picture.

"so everything is ok" I say

"Baby's healthy and I don't see a reason to keep you any longer" She says

She leaves the room as I sit up wiping the gel off my stomach. I look at Lorenzo to see him starring at the scan. I grab my jacket and put it on before Lorenzo hands me the scan. I turn back to him placing the scan into my pocket.

"Your very quiet" I say

"I'm just glad everything is ok" he smiles "Lets get you home before it gets to cold outside"

I smile before he places a kiss onto my forehead as we head out the hospital and get into a taxi. We arrive to the penthouse taking the elevator up. The door opened and we saw both our family's standing there with relief on there faces seeing us.

"We was so worried" Mum says bringing me into a hug "Are you ok"

"Were fine mum we only came out with cuts and bruises" I say

"Don't ever scare me like that again" Lorenzo's mum says hugging him

"Cant promise" He smiles

I took my jacket off before taking the scan out and walking to the bedroom. I placed the scan in my drawer before walking back out and finding everyone in the kitchen.

"After that scare I need a glass of wine" Gia says

She pours the wine into a glass before handing me the glass

"ill stick to orange juice" I say handing the wine to my mum

"Are you sure you never refuse wine" mum says

"I'm sure" I said grabbing orange juice

"Well I made you guys food" Lorenzo's mum says

Lorenzo smiles hugging her before he grabs orange juice himself. I can tell everyone is suspicious but I don't really care. As we all sat down to eat I felt Lorenzo put his hand on my stomach before we both smiled.

He removed his hand as I looked up to see Gia starring at us. I smile at her as we all eat the food Lorenzo's mum made. I take all the plates into the kitchen before I start cleaning them as Lorenzo stands behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

He places a kiss on my neck before he moves doing something else. Once I finished cleaning everything I turned to see Lorenzo still standing there.

"What" I ask

"Oh nothing" he says

"Lorenzo What" I asked

"Nothing honestly" he says walking towards me

He pulls me into a hug before placing a kiss onto my lips.

"Your really happy about this aren't you" I smile

"I don't know what your on about" he said as he smirks

Just as I looked up to him I hear a click like someone took a photo. I turn to see our parents standing there as Ace has his phone out.

"You enjoying the view" Lorenzo asked making me laugh

"It's nice to see you guys all loved up" our mums say

"Ok something is for sure happening that we don't know about" Ace says

Me and Lorenzo look at each other before looking back at them.

"Nope Nothing comes to mind" Lorenzo says

"Why would you think that anyway" I ask

"Your all to happy for people who have just been in a car crash" Gia says

"God what are you a detective" I laugh

"I'm just saying" Gia says

"Where is Blair and Hunter" Lorenzo asks

"They stayed behind" Lorenzo's dad says

"So when are you coming back to Italy" dad asks

"Not sure yet why" I ask

"No reason"

They all walk to the living room while I make my way to the bedroom. I take the scan out the drawer before looking at it. I feel arms go around my waist again as I relax into the hold.

"I cant stop starring at it" I say

"You may want to hide it" Lorenzo says

"Why" I ask

"Someone is about to walk in" He said

I place it back in the drawer before turning around as Lorenzo hugged me. He was right Ace walked in as Lorenzo kissed my forehead leaving us to it.

"Are you sure everything is ok" He says

"Apart from a bruised rib everything is perfect" I smile

"Yeah your way to happy" He says walking out making me laugh

Ace walked out before I got changed into some lose clothes before heading back to the living room where everyone was. Everyone had some form of alcohol in there hand apart from Lorenzo. I sat down next to him as his hand went around me holding me close as I relaxed into his side.

Everyone starts watching the movie as Lorenzo puts a blanket over me. His hand went on my back before sliding to my stomach making me smile. I rest my head onto his shoulder as I see Gia looking at us.

As the movie finished I got up and headed to the bedroom as I felt my eyes getting heavy. I laid on the bed as my eyes started shutting but the door opened then closed again. Lorenzo walked into the closet before walking back out shirtless and grey sweats clung to his waist. He laid beside me pulling me body closer to his as his hand grabbed the covers and put it over us. His hand went to my stomach as he placed a kiss on my shoulder before I drifted off to sleep.

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