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As the ringing in my ear fades I open my eyes to see everyone on the ground like me

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As the ringing in my ear fades I open my eyes to see everyone on the ground like me. Some of them are just waking up and some of them are still out. My heads ponding but apart from that I'm fine.

"Is everyone ok" Rocco asked

"Yeah" Most of us say

"Where is Lorenzo" Blair asks

"He went to get Sophia" Blaze adds

As everyone wakes up we all move to the gym. As the door opens we see blood on the floor but no sigh of Sophia or Lorenzo. The window is open and there is blood drops heading towards it. I make my way outside before taking a look at the window to see blood drops heading to the middle of the road then nothing.

"They took a car or van" I yell

"What makes you say that" Rocco questions before coming out

"The blood drops stop in the middle of the road. Get Hunter to do a blood test to see who's blood it is" I say before heading back inside

"What do we do till then sit down and hope they come back" Chris adds

I don't answer him but instead grab my phone a dial a number

"We need your help its Lorenzo"

As my eyes open slowly my throat hurts like a bitch

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As my eyes open slowly my throat hurts like a bitch. I sit up the best I can leaning against a wall I look to my side to see Lorenzo. His face looks swollen with blood on it as his eyes don't leave mine.

"Lorenzo" I whisper as it hurts my throat to talk

"Are you ok" He asks not caring about how hurt he is

I nod my head yes before looking around the room. The room was dark with a small window on the wall that for sure you'd need a table or chair to climb up to. My hands weren't tied neither were my legs but my body felt weak.

The door opened and five men walked in before a hooded female walked in. Her hands grabbed the hooded and pulled it down before I realised who it was.


My aunt

The one person I looked up to

A smirk on her face grew bigger by the second before she walked over towards me lifting my chin up.

"Nasty cut babes" she says letting go of my chin

"Lorenzo shame we met like this" she smiles before her head turns back to me

"After all that training let's see what your really made of"

Two guards grabbed my arms while the others held Lorenzo down. She threw a few punches hitting my nose making my eyes water like shit. The two guards let go of me and she threw a final punch knocking me to the ground.

"It's Sophia's blood" Hunter shouts from the control room

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"It's Sophia's blood" Hunter shouts from the control room

A sigh leaves most of our mouths knowing what we were faces with. I grab Skylar's hand and hold it tightly not knowing what is going through her head right now. The door opened and Olivia walks in with her gang as Alex walks in with his.

"What the fuck happened" Alex practically shouts

"Someone attacked they threw a gas bomb to knock us out and took Lorenzo and his wife" Rocco explains

"Do we have any idea where they could be" Olivia asks

"They went towards the airport but your guess is as good as mine" Blair adds

"I can't sit here and do nothing" Skylar says getting up and walking to the kitchen

I get and follow her grabbing her wrist and pulling her into a hug. I knew my wife well enough to know right now she feels like shit.

They all grew up as siblings she sees Lorenzo as a brother. Skylar could go one of two ways anger or emotionless and I've only seen her do this once I just hope she lets me in this time.

 Skylar could go one of two ways anger or emotionless and I've only seen her do this once I just hope she lets me in this time

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She was laying on the floor not moving as Amy and her minions left the room. I wanted to run over there hold her in my arms tell her it will be ok but I couldn't. I was tied up with chains making it harder to break out of.

Sophia opened her eyes and looked at me before getting up and slowly making her way towards me. Her small hand rested on my cheek as I smiled at her.

"You have to make it seem like your still tied up" she whispered

I felt her tiny body press against mine like she was hugging me but then I felt the chains become lose. I looked at her confused as she sat back down next me like she was weak.

Her head rested against my shoulder as I placed mine gently on her's. Her body went limp as she moved her wrist into my hand making sure I could feel her heartbeat. I moved my head to see her eyes close as her breathing became slower but she still had a pulse.

The room was quite but at the same time the silence was so loud. It was getting dark outside and I felt Sophia move more into my side. As much as I wanted to just pick her up and walk out I also knew I'd cause more harm then good.

"Lorenzo" she whispers under her breath

"I'm here" I say before placing my head back on her's as I drift off myself

Or should should I say I tired to till a flashlight came through the window. I kept my eyes shut not wanting to know who or what it was. The light went and I looked up to see feet leaving. I don't know why but it wasn't alarming towards me. It's almost like a voice was there saying it's alright but no one was there.

Sophia's head moves causing me to look at her. If she was the rat why would she put herself through this. I mean who would plan getting a knife to cut your throat enough to bleed but not enough to kill you unchain the person your betraying. It someone close but not close enough. And I don't care what I have to do

I'll make them pay for what they've done

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