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As we arrived to the mansion Lorenzo, Rocco and Blaze went straight to the control room

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As we arrived to the mansion Lorenzo, Rocco and Blaze went straight to the control room. I walked into our bedroom and got dressed putting my hair up before making my way into the living room. I sat down on the sofa before Skylar and Gia came in and sat down starring at me.

"What" I asked

"So How was the date" Gia asked

"It was fine" I say

"Just fine" Skylar questioned

"Ok it was perfect in every single way" I smile

"Oh my god" Gia yells


"She totally hooked up with him" Gia says squealing like a little kid

"Ew that's my brother your on about" Blair says joining in

"Wait you have such a glow to you" Skylar points out

"Fucking hell you had morning sex didn't you" Gia says laughing

Skylar laughs as Blair practically runs out the room before she joins her. Gia runs over and sits down next to me.

"Tell me everything I need details" she says

"No the date was perfect ended amazing if you know what I mean" I wink "then we had a shower"

"More like sex in the shower" she laughs

"Ok yes that. Then he took me to one of his meetings" I say taking a sip of my water

"You totally did something there" She laughs again

"Yes he may have started something and finished it but I'm not saying anymore" i said

"Wait hold on was last night your first time" she asks

"No" I blurt out not thinking

"When did you lose it" she asks

Just as I was about to say something Lorenzo and Blaze entered the room with Rocco closely behind. Gia hides her face as I can tell she's trying not to laugh.

"Fuck it" Gia says grabbing my hand

They look at us confused as she drags me out the room and heads to my bedroom. She closes the door and squeals again making me laugh.

"Tell me when you lost it. As a best friend I'm doing a shit job cause I don't know these things" she said falling on the bed next to me

"I lost it that night we had a movie night with Blair and Hunter" I truthfully say "But then again he did finger me in the car on the way there"

"Wait that night when we all went to bed you" her face drops before looking at me "so this was your second time"

"Third" I laugh

"Bitch spill"

"We did in his office before making our way to the bedroom then of course last night and this morning" I say buddying my head into a pillow

"Fuck you have a better sex life then me" she laughs

The door opens and I see my mum and Lorenzo's mum walk in smiling. We look at them confused before they walk in closing there door behind them.

"A little birds told me you went on a date last night" mum says walking over

They both sit on the bed before everyone looks at me.

"Ok I may have" I say honestly


We all head to the kitchen as I see everyone sat there including my family. I told them little details but not a lot cause I know what mums are like. We all sat down as food got served and as I thought the mums made me sit next to Lorenzo.

Not that I minded

We all started eating as everyone was talking.

"So Lorenzo how is everything" Dads asks

"Its all fine" Lorenzo says

They kept asking questions and small talk as I kept quiet. Lorenzo places his hand on my thought and I couldn't help but think about what happened at the meeting. Except this time his hand stayed where it was while his thumb strokes my thigh gently.

"Sophia" I hear mum call

"Sorry what did you say" I asked

"I was just asking if you was ok" she asked as dad looked at me concerned

"Sorry I'm fine" I smile

"So what have you been up to lately" Dad asks

Apart from getting railed all of last night and this morning and two hours ago nothing much. But of course I wasn't going to say that out loud. I could see Gia Blair and Skylar looking at us before they put there heads down.

"Nothing much" I say

As everyone left the table I was about to get up and leave before Lorenzo stopped me.

"You hardly touched your food" he says so calm

"Im just not that hungry" I said

"Are you sure" he asks

He looks at me as his hand cups my cheek as his thumb strokes my cheek. It felt like he was looking through me and knew I was lying.

"Come on" he says getting up and taking my hand

As I follow him to the kitchen he pulls out a stash of cupcakes before lifting me into the counter. As I take one and eat it I can feel his eyes on me.

"What" I ask

"If you didn't like the food you could have said" he says stepping between my legs

"I don't want to bother anyone" I say placing my arms on his shoulders

"Your never a bother" he says lightly kissing my lips

He steps back as I get off the counter. He wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"I'm going to have an early night" I say kissing his cheek

"Tired you out have I" He smirks

"Maybe" I wink before walking off

As I got into the bedroom I completely stripped and went into the bathroom before stepping into the shower. As the water runs down my body I hear shower door open and close again. As I turn around I see Lorenzo standing there before he pulls me into his body wrapping his arms around me.

I look up towards him as he kisses my lips. After we finished we got out and Lorenzo wrapped a towel around me as one was clung around his waist. We both headed into the bedroom before he put on grey sweats hanging low onto his waist.

I got changed into something lose before crawling into bed. Lorenzo got into bed behind me before turning me around and lifting me on top of him. He kept my head resting on his shoulder as he kissed my forehead before I drifted off to the comfort of his body.

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