171 | Tasks Complete

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     "I heard what you did to Antonio. He told me everything about it," Justin then reveals, surprising Max. "We really hope you become the Elites' president Max. We'll definitely be rooting for you," Justin then says with complete sincerity, and Max smiles and nods his head.

     "Well, before we end this, have you talked to your brother yet?" Max then asks.

     "I haven't. I guess we can just talk at home," Justin replies, and Max stood up from his seat and tells him, "Then let's head to the meeting room. The others are already waiting for us."

     Justin nods his head and stood up from his seat before heading to the meeting room where the others were. The Elites were already in their seats when they got there, and to Max's surprise, Thomas and Antonio were there as well.

     "You're here," Ian says, gesturing at the empty seats so Max and Justin could take them.

     When the two got settled, Max couldn't help but look at Thomas and Antonio. Antonio looked calm, and if Max didn't know any better, he seemed happier than before. He even greeted Max when he sat down. 

     Thomas, on the other hand, was quiet. The once intimidating leader of the Alpha Society was now timid. You could tell that he was embarrassed at what had happened, especially now when everyone else was there. 

     And then there's Kenzo who was nowhere to be found, and that was probably because he was still with president Janus and the others for his deliberation.

     Max still felt guilty even though he knew that he did the right thing. But little did Max know that Thomas, Antonio, and Justin never blamed him for it. They only had themselves to blame.

     The three almost impossible tasks were finally complete, and four white uniforms that were all from the top 10 were found guilty of being involved in illegal transactions of points. These four were:

1st Task: Thomas Anderson Woods

2nd Task: Antonio Fernández de la Paz & Furukawa Kenzo

3rd Task: Justin Griffiths

     Kenzo was close with Thomas, and an acquaintance of Antonio. Apparently, all of Max's tasks were connected with each other, almost like it was a story.

     It started when Thomas's brother—Daniel Anderson Wilson—bought his points from Checkmates' previous auction when he was still Alpha Society's leader. Thomas told Kenzo about this story, and that's where Kenzo got the idea to start one himself. As someone who grew up with famous painters, Kenzo knew the nature of an auction.

     To protect his identity, he then sent a secret message to Antonio and told him about the auction. He encouraged him to organize it for him under the codename Iris. Kenzo knew that Antonio was desperate to earn money, so he was an easy target. So Kenzo invite most of the bidders while Antonio became the face of it all.

     Antonio, who was now the organizer of the auction, noticed the sudden change that Justin had when he and his twin brother got demoted, and so Antonio invited Justin to the auction. That's how everything else took place.

     Kenzo believed that if things went down, Antonio would be afraid to tell anyone about him because 'Iris' threatened that his scholarship in J.S High will be taken. Unfortunately for him, Max stepped in just in time, and everything fell into place.

     "Thomas, Antonio, and Justin," president Ian suddenly calls out, making the three look back at him.

     Everyone was quiet for a couple of seconds, and Max could instantly feel the tension. For a moment Max thought that Ian was going to scold them, but to his surprise, the president takes a deep breath and said, "You three have done well in the top 10. I always strongly believed...no...I do still believe, that you will become amazing additions if you all were to join the Elites. It is true that I am disappointed, but I hope this won't stop you from making things right."

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