(5-9) The First Wedding

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In approximately three hours, Rinka Hayami would be no more. Instead, she would be known as Rinka Chiba. And she was also incredibly nervous.

It was not like Rinka to ever be nervous. She was always very calm and collected, no matter how difficult the situation was. That made her a great agent. But, now, she was sat in her room, staring at the wedding dress hung on the outside door of her wardrobe, staring at the floor.

Millions of thoughts raced through her head at lightning fast speed. Images of the wedding ceremony itself, of her somehow messing up and ruining the day for herself, Ryunosuke and the rest of the guests. But then, what if one of the guests ruined the day for everyone else.

Breathe. She told herself. Just breathe. The guests are not going to mess the day up. They are your former classmates, why would they do that. Your parents and Ryu's parents are also guests. They won't mess it up. Breathe.

Her thoughts calmed slightly. She felt a little more relaxed, but still incredibly nervous. Mostly about the dress. She had rarely ever wore a dress before. She thought they were just too impractical. Her mother had tried to force her to wear a dress multiple times, but those attempts have been in vain. Rinka just didn't like them.

That was why she was scared for the day. Sure, she had practiced walking in the dress and gotten pretty good at it too, but still. She was worried.

She stood up and walked out of her room, into the rest of her appartement. Chiba had left before she had woken up, helping getting the venue ready for the wedding. It had been about one hour since he left, leaving her all alone to her thoughts.

Someone knocked on the door. Rinka walked over to it and opened the door, revealing the unmistakable figure of her older sister stood infront of her.

"Hey Rinka!" She squealed excitedly.

"Hey Sakura."

"You don't look right. What's wrong?" Sakura asked. She hadn't seen her sister in a while, but still could tell her every emotion from her face.

"I'm very nervous." Rinka replied.

"What about specifically?" Came the reply.

"I don't know. Just everything I guess. I feel as though something will happen or I will accidentally do something to ruin the day, and after how flawlessly your wedding went, I feel a lot of pressure."

Sakura laughed.

"You really think you will mess something up?" She replied. "Please Rinka. I've known you long enough to know you never mess things up."

"I suppose, but still-"

"No. Stop talking about that. We are now going to walk into the other room and get you ready for the best day of your life."

And with that, Sakura began to push her sister into the bedroom, where the wedding dress was hung up, to get her ready for the day.

She arrived at the shrine a couple of hours later, just in time for the ceremony to begin. Her father was waiting for her outside the door, ready to walk her down the isle and give her away to her husband to be.

They entered the room, Rinka clutching onto her father's arm. She glanced around. Her whole family was her, as well as Chiba's family. Some of her old classmates also sat either side of her. She saw Karma, Isogai, Kataoka, Terasaka's gang, although she was unsure why they came, as well as Okano, Kurahashi, Fuwa and Maehara.

She glanced back to the front of the shrine. Chiba was stood there, watching her walk gracefully towards him, her dress spreading out around her, making it appear as though she was stood in a pool of white.

Beside Chiba stood the unmistakable figure of Nagisa, the best man. The bluenette was still unsure why he was picked as best man. Sure, he was friends with Chiba, but he had much closer friends.

"Wow." Chiba muttered under his breath as he saw his future wife walking elegantly towards him.

"I know." Nagisa replied. Chiba turned his head to make eye contact. "What, I'm gay." Nagisa whispered back, calming the dark haired boy.

Rinka eventually reached the shrine and turned to face Chiba, him repeating this action. The priest began to talk, officially begining the ceremony. Vows were said, and finally, the priest, in his most dominant of tones, declared then husband and wife, and that Chiba could kiss the bride, which he did, lovingly.

Once the actual ceremony was over, they were to travel to a nearby hotel for an after party. The newlyweds traveled first, in the back of a black limo.

Once they had sat in the limo, in the peace and quiet, they just sat, opposite each other, and stared into each others eyes. It was Chiba who spoke first.

"Oh Rinka." He began. "I'm so happy."

A huge smile had spread across his face. The same smile began to spread across Rinka's face as well, causing her to blush slightly. She took his hands in hers.

"Me too." She said.

They leaned forwards and kissed, their mouths meeting in the middle of the car. The kiss lasted a relative while, only broken up once the limo came to a halt outside the hotel. Ryu was the first out as it was his job to help the bride out of the car. She was still in her dress so found it hard to stand up.

The after party went on for a few hours. They had food, drinks, and a very good time. A lot of the ex classmates met and had a proper catch up, since there wasn't much opportunity to do so last time they met.

The families of the couple's also were able to meet the classmates they had heard so much about. They were pleasantly surprised.

After a while, the party began to simmer down, with people beginning to leave to return home. Rinka and Ryu didn't have to drive or be driven home since they had a room booked in the hotel they were currently in. This was mainly because they expected to be a little tipsy, as well as for other reasons.

They were heading to their room now, in the the elevator, rising up through the floors. The last of the guests would be leaving now.

The couple faced each other in the elevator. Everything was silent. Then, Rinka stepped towards Ryu, embracing him and engaging him in a passionate kiss. This kiss managed to last the remainder of the elevator journey, ending when they had to leave the elevator to find the door.

They picked the kiss back up once the door to their room had been unlocked and they were able to enter the room.

Rinka jumped on her husband, wrapping her legs around his torso to hold herself against him. He placed one hand round her waist and another underneath her to support her further. Once they reached the bed, he placed her down gently onto it.

"Ryu," she began. "I love you so much. I'm so happy I'm the woman you married."

"Oh Rinka." He said in reply. "You were the only possible choice. I love you."

And with that reply, he leaned over her, eager to continue their love making.

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