(3-5) A Plan In The Making

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For the first time in his life, Hideo was early for class. It was also the first time in his life that he had accepted that he messed up. He hadn't trusted Nagisa-sensei. He had refused to help a friend in need. For what? His own pride? His own safety? Whatever it was, he needed to change, and he completely understood this.

In his haste, he had arrived more than twenty minutes before class had begun. He knew Nagisa was already in school. The blue haired teacher's computer lay on the desk and his bag sat alongside it. The teacher himself, however, was in the teachers lounge, sipping a coffee, getting his lesson plans in order for the day.

Content with his plan, Nagisa walked into the classroom and almost dropped his coffee in shock.

"Hideo, I didn't know you could be early." He said, still slightly shocked.

"Yeah, well I feel I need to put more of an effort in. With you I mean and the class." Hideo replied in a sullen mood.

"I understand you need to mend your relationship with the class, but why with me?"

"Didn't you see? I never trusted you ever. I'm sorry, but there was, and still is, something shifty about you that I can't quite put my finger on."


"Well, anyway, I didn't completely realise the extent you would go through to protect us untill you saved me on the mountain. Thank you Nagisa Sensei."

Hideo became quiet, his head hung down.

"Hideo, don't dwell on the past. Instead, use the past to fix the future. When your classmates arrive, apologize to them. Accept your faults. Only then will they begin to accept you as a friend."

"Okay Sensei. I will. Thanks."

Nagisa smiled. That was what his job was all about. Making the lives of his students better. It was a job he was good at, and thoroughly enjoyed.

It was the day after the trip to the mountain. Nagisa had allowed his students to come in late, at around lunch time, as they had gotten back from their trip late the previous night. Before long, the students began filing into class, surprised to find Hideo there before them.

"Hideo, why are you here so early?" Fujikawa asked.

"Cuz I wanna. Anything wrong with that?"

"I suppose not."

After everyone had arrived and took their seats- the girls and Saiki in a group on the left of the room and the rest of the boys in the back corner, with Hideo sat alone in the middle right, Hideo stood up and cleared his throat.

A wave of silence rolled across the room. A mixture of surprise and fear boiled inside everyone, apart from Nagisa. Hideo opened his mouth.

"I-" he paused. "I just want to apologize for being such a dick this year. I'm sorry. I truly am. Especially to you Tatsuo. I should have volunteered to save you, and when we weren't allowed, I should have gone anyway. I'm sorry."

This sudden outburst left everyone stunned. Hideo? Apologizing? I never thought I would see the day.

After a few seconds of no response, Tatsuo stood up and walked over to Hideo. He placed his hand in Hideo's shoulder.

"It's ok Hideo. I can't lie and say I'll forgive you, but I'll stick with you for the future. You seem to have changed." Tatsuo said. Eventually, both Juro and Kazuhiko both stood up and made their way over to their friend, comforting him in a similar way to how Tatsuo had earlier. Hideo glanced over at Michio who smiled and nodded. This simple action filled Hideo with warmth. It seemed this was the first time he had experienced this emotion. Was he happy?

Yes, it seems he was.

After everyone had made up, Nagisa began the lesson. First term finals would be coming up in a few weeks and the students needed to revise ready for them. Nagisa began to wonder how he could encourage them to do well this time. More secrets? No. Last time he offered to tell them about his life he was forced to tell them about Korosensei and his assassination classroom. He needed something different.

"Nagisa?" Harumi asked.

"What is it Harumi?" The bluenette answered.

"If we all do well on these exams, could you wear that dress for a day?"

Nagisa paused, dropped his chalk and stared at her open mouthed.

"Wear what?" He said.

"A dress. You know, the one Karma showed us." Aya said, backing up Harumi.

Nagisa thought for a few minutes before he came to his decision.

"Ok. Fine. I'll wear a dress. If, you all place in the top fifty on the exams." Nagisa smiled as he said this. He knew some of the students would get top fifty. However, he also knew some of them wouldn't. He didn't think he was going to have to wear a dress at all.

The students were quite content with this offer. This surprised Nagisa, who immediately became wary that the students would have some kind of trick up their sleeves. With this in mind, he continued teaching the lesson.

Unbeknownst to him, a note was being passed around the classroom which read:

Meet at Koronoodle after school. I have an assassination plan.

The note was written by Shizuka who had spent the last hour completely ignoring her teacher and instead brainstorming ideas about how to kill him. Well, how to pretend to kill him.

After class, the students made their way to Koronoodle, and the girls were upset to find  their favourite waiter, whom they dubbed 'noodle senpai' was away on holiday. It didn't matter though. They all ordered some acorn noodle ramen and some drinks to go along with it.

"So Shizuka, you better not have called us all out here just to eat this delicious ramen together." Juro said. It was his first time eating at Koronoodle and he was thoroughly enjoying his meal.

"Ok. I have a plan to assassinate Nagisa Sensei. We need a few things though. Paint ball guns, those knives we used on the mountain and a large open space." Shizuka replied, bringing an air of mystery about the plan.

"Me and Saiki can get the paintball guns and knives tonight. Our parents kinda let us do anything." Hirose said. Shizuka smiled and nodded in response to this.

"And for the large open space, we can use the school yard near class 5. No-one goes near there so we should be out of sight." Aya suggested.

"That settles it then. Now, here is my plan." 

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