(3-1) Terasaka Gang Reassemble

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Terasaka was bored. As he entered his small apartment after work that day, he collapsed into the sofa and let out a large sigh. He stared at his feet for a long while, thinking about he wanted to do.

He was working as a general handy man. If you needed something doing manually, he was your man to call. Surprisingly, business had been good despite the fact he had just started out a few years ago. However, the money he made from this barely paid his rent and bought him meals. That was when he remembered something.

His holiday fund.

It had taken him three years to build this fund, with the eventual goal of affording a small holiday somewhere foreign. South Korea was on his mind. The country would be both familiar and alien to him in equal parts. Plus, the flight wasn't that long.

He sighed once more thinking about this. A holiday by himself would not be very enjoyable. Then it struck him.

It was time to get the old gang back together.

The next day, Terasaka strolled casually down a street towards Yoshida and Son's Motorcycle Repairs. His first target was Yoshida, the bike loving guy who took over his father's business after graduating junior high. He would be the easiest to convince to join him. Several years of manual labour would be a jut cause for taking a break.

"What can I do for ya?" Yoshida asked, with his back to Terasaka while he arranged some items in a shelf behind the counter. "We do motoercycle repairs, painting, parts, you name it."

"I know what you sell Yoshida, I was here many times when we were younger." Terasaka replied, sounding half annoyed. This caused Yoshida to flinch and turn slowly around.

"Terasaka! To what do I owe the pleasure?" He said enthusiastically. The two boys fist bumped, just like old times.

"I wanna get away. I'm thinking a holiday to Korea. I'm aiming to get the gang back together. You in?"

"As blunt as always Terasaka. Of course I'm in. I need a rest. When we leaving?"


"You haven't planned have you?"


"Okay, so we need Hazama. You obviously need someone to be responsible for you "

"Hey, I don't see you getting any ideas!"

"Not my plan."

"Fine. Let's go find Hazama."

The two men walked out of the garage, after Yoshida closed it up for the day, and got into Terasaka's van to drive to where Hazama worked.

Hazama worked at a library. She had hoped to pursue a career in literature so starting off in a library made a lot of sense. She enjoyed it. She also had a lot of time on the side to work on her own novel.

Terasaka crashes noisily through the door into the library. Hazama glances over at the two boys and sighed. She looked back at her computer as she continued the book order that needed to b completed by the end of the day. Terasaka sauntered over and rested his arm on the table next to her.

"I was wandering if I would see you two again." Hazama said glumly.

"Yeah, well we're here." Terasaka replied. "Were organising a reunion if the Terasaka gang via a holiday to South Korea. Wanna join?"

Hazama sighed. "I guess so. What's the plan."

"He doesn't have one." Yoshida interjected.

"Of course. He never did." Hazama chuckled to herself. "I suppose I'll take over as the responsible one. Now, I'll work it out after work. Let's meet here, at nine."

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