(2-7) The Journey

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Nagisa arrived outside the station an hour before the agreed meeting time for the students. Karma was annoyed about this. He wanted another half hour in bed, but whatever he said wouldn't be able to stop Nagisa when his students were involved.

Karma and Hayami would meet Nagisa and the students at the mountain with all the equipment. Isogai and Sugino would also be there. The former would only be there to drop off the keys. He has a busy day and needed to get home. Sugino, however, could stay all day. He would leave on the night.

The bluenette sat down on a nearby bench and waited for his students to arrive. He picked a book out of his bag to keep him occupied. After about forty five minutes, students started arriving. The more excited ones such as Aya and Natsumi arrived first. The less interested ones such as Juro and Hideo arrived later, Hideo arriving a full ten minutes after the agreed time.

Once Nagisa had rounded them up, he funneled them into the train station, buying a train ticket for each one in turn. It was his money that he spent, but due to Karma's high profile job, money wasn't too much of an issue for a one off occurrence such as this. They got into the main area of the station with half an hour to kill, so Nagisa let the students go to any shops in the station, as long as they met back at the platform before the train arrived.

The students all walked off in separate directions. The boys, apart from Saiki, walked off towards the food store, hoping to buy some snacks. Michio and Shizuka, however, were immediately drawn towards a poster of Haruna Mase's new movie. It was a samurai movie, set in ancient Japan where a woman decided to sneak into the army and fight for her country. Haruna Mase obviously had the leading role.

"We should go see it sometime, if you would like?" Shizuka asked. Michio was a little taken aback. No one has asked him to go out anywhere with them before.

"Sure." He replied, awkwardly. Nagisa was watching them from a distance. He smiled slightly as he remembered how he was put in this exact scenario, nine years ago, when Karma asked him to go see the first Sonic Ninja with him. He hoped a friendship would blossom between the two students infront of him, just as one had between him and Karma. Who knew, it may even be something more.

The boys entered the food store and immediately headed to the snack isle. Juro, Kazuhiko and Tatsuo all worked out which crisps and sweets they wanted. Hideo attempted to interject with suggestions, but was completely ignored. Often, someone else would suggest the exact same thing half a minute later and get praise for having such a good idea. Hideo sighed. He knew he had messed up his friendship with these boys. He would have to get them back on side somehow.

Saiki, Hirose, Natsumi, Chie and Aya has bought multiple things. Books/magazines for the train journey and snacks for on the night. It was a shame Saiki would have to stay in the boys tent. They just hoped Michio would be nice to him at least.

On the way back to the platform, Saiki and Chie went to the toilet, letting the others go on ahead.

Chie got out first and began making her way to the station when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She stopped still in her tracks. Who was this and what did they want?

"Hello pretty." Came a deep, male voice from behind. Chie winced. Whoever this was, they didn't mean well, and she would be powerless to stop them from doing whatever they wanted to her.

"We've got a good one." Another voice said. Several other people grunted in agreement. They surrounded her, pushing her forwards, towards the outside of the station. Suddenly, they stopped.

"Let her go." Came a voice from infront. She couldn't see who the voice came from, but she recognised it. The men surrounding her started to laugh.

"What are you gonna do, ya puny little mouse boy?" The leader of the group said. This caused more laughter to erupt from the group.

All Chie saw was one of the men infront of her double over, hands clasping his stomach. For a split second, she saw the face of Saiki staring at her. That was before the leader recovered from the punch and walked up to him, picking him up by the shirt.

"Mouse has some bite. Now, mouse shall die." The leader said once more. Saiki was not afraid. He had done his job. He smiled. This caused the gang leader to become worried. Why was this kid smiling? Is there something I'm missing?

There was something he was missing. A smallish, blue haired thing.

None of the gang saw him approach untill he was stood directly behind their leader. The blue haired man clapped. The leader dropped Saiki and collapsed to the floor, in shock at what just happened. The gang's mouths hung open. What did he just do? Nagisa helped Saiki up and turned to the gang.

"You better release my student else I will have to take her by force, and I don't want to do that." He said, his voice cold. He let a little of his bloodlust show, causing a ripple of fear to permeate through the air. Slowly, members of the gang began to drift away from surrounding Chie, eventually full on sprinting away to get rid of this crazed psychopath who was apparently a teacher? Whatever he was, he was scary.

Saiki felt it too. The fear that Nagisa emitted in an aura around him. He was chilled to the bone. This feeling was immediately eased however, when Nagisa smiled at him and said "come on now, we'll miss the train" casually, as if nothing had happened.

The bluenette walked towards the platform, the two children following silently behind. They had both seen Nagisa perform that clap multiple times before. Never, however, had they felt that scared around him. It wasn't an obvious fear such as the fear one would have towards a monster or a murderer for example. No. It was a much more chilling kind of fear. It said he was a predator, and the gang were his prey.

The two glanced a nervous look at each other. This was going to be a hell of a trip.

The Secret Life Of Nagisa SenseiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora