(4-3) The First Confrontation

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The building Takaoka told them to arrive at was a very large hotel. It was in a rich area of Tokyo, one where wealthy families stayed when they visited the city. The hotel had a whole floor dedicated as a club to service the needs of the adolescents staying at the hotel. Anything went there, drugs, alcohol, you name it. The owners of the hotel knew how to get around the law, so that wasn't an issue. The issue for Nagisa, Hayami and Kataoka, however, was that one such party was happening tonight, and they would have to find a way to slip through, without rousing suspicion and potentially getting thrown out, or worse, pissing off a rich guy.

The three of them had researched the place and were currently sat outside the front door, in Nagisa's car, letting Ritsu scan the building.

"This reminds me too much of Okinawa." Kataoka mentioned.

"That's true." Hayami agreed. "I think he wants to forget about the last time he challenged Nagisa on top of a building and succeed where he failed last time."

Nagisa said nothing. He simply just stared at the hotel with an expressionless face.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kataoka said as she tapped him on his shoulder. Nagisa grunted.

"To tell you the truth, I'm scared." He muttered. This one sentence shocked both the girls. Nagisa, scared? If he was afraid then what should they be like? Absolutely terrified.

"Nagisa, you've got nothing to worry about. Your going to beat him easy." Hayami said, trying to comfort him.

"That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who he has a personal vendetta against. Your also not the one who will hold themselves responsible if he is crazy enough to kill someone." He said coldly. This tone he put on caused an aura of ice cold silence as the girls tried to think of a response.

"Nagisa. It's not your fault. The man is crazy. We just need to try and not get too emotional. That's the game he's playing. He wants to hurt you and he knows you will do anything for your friends." Hayami said, trying to reassure him. It sort of worked. Nagisa simply sighed and opened his car door.

"Let's get this over with." He sighed.

The lobby area was quite busy with rich people checking in, or people arriving just for the parties. This made it quite easy for a trio of assassins to sneak into one of the elevators. They didn't plan to take the elevator right to the top. It was too dangerous as Takaoka could simply have people stationed at each floor to attack them once the doors opened, and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

As a result, they took the elevator up two floors and made the rest of the way via the stairs. The stairs, just like the hotel in Okinawa, were positioned at odd angles to each other, meaning they had to cover a lot of ground they also had to cover this distance in casual clubbing attire, which for the girls consisted of shortish dresses, which were not the most practical to walk in. Nagisa was wearing jeans and a T shirt, which wasn't too bad. They also carried a bag with spare clothes to change into once past the party. They would change into something more suitable for fighting in, if the occasion called for it.

"Hayami, why did you have to wear my dress?" Nagisa complained as they were walking through the hotel.

"Why, don't you like it?" She teased.

"No I don't like it very much. I only wear it to please Karma. Besides, you could have brought your own like Kataoka." He sighed. The girls giggled a bit.

"Oh, this isn't mine." Kataoka said. This caused both Nagisa and Hayami to don a confused face.

"What do you mean?" The ginger asked.

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