(4-5) Allies

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"Saiki, can I speak to you for a minute please?" Nagisa said after class had finished for the day and the rest of the students were leaving the school to go home.

"Sure." The boy replied, walking back into the classroom. Nagisa walked up to him and sat down on one of the desks.

"That move you performed during the paintball game. How did you learn it?" The bluenette asked.

"You mean the clap you performed on Hideo?"

Nagisa nodded.

"Well, I watched you and tried to recreate it as best I could. Did I do it right?"

"You're getting there. Just, please, don't continue trying to learn it."

"Why not? Isn't it important that I learn self defence?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then why can't you teach me it?"

"Because I said so!" Nagisa shouted. He then sighed. "Sorry. It's just, I see myself in you Saiki. You are very much like a younger version of myself."

A puzzled look appeared in Saiki's face.

"My point is Saiki, after learning that clap, I was able to use it on someone to defeat them in a fight and save my friends. That started me on a dark path. I almost ended up becoming an assassin."

Saiki's eyes lit up in surprise.

"You, an assassin?" He said, almost not believing it. "But you seem so kind."

"The best assassins always do."

"So what stopped you. From becoming an assassin I mean."

"My teacher talked me out of it. Now, don't tell the rest of the class about this. I hope you see now why I am worried about you."

"Yeah, but I will resist the temptation."

"It's you're choice at the end of the day, but believe me. It's hard. The feeling you get when you defeat an opponent. I'm sure you felt it when you beat Michio. Just please. Be careful."

"Ok, fine Sensei."


Nagisa remembered a conversation he had with Saiki about a week ago. He had told him to be careful. To not pursue the stun clap or assassin style moves like it. He smiled to himself at the irony of the situation. He was currently stood outside Saiki's house, ready to ask him to be an assassin.

I can't. I can't bring my students into this. I don't care if we need the help I just can't.

But then, Kataoka will be mad. She is already angry enough with what happened to Hayami. I. I don't know what to do.

"Nagisa." A voice entered his head.

"Hmm." Nagisa thought. He recognised the voice, but he didn't know who it was.

"I know the position you are in isn't easy. I know that you would rather risk your own life than those of your students. I always did the same."

It clicked in Nagisa's brain. That voice was the voice of Korosensei.

"But Sensei," Nagisa thought, "I need them. Yet, I don't want them to help."

"I've seen what you have done with that class. I have been watching. They are just as capable as your own class. Don't fear. They will be able to hold their own."

"But if anything happens to them, I wouldn't be able to live with myself after what happened to Ren."

"You have to take risks. Now, choose whether to enlist them or not. I'm sure you will make the right choice."

The voice faded. Nagisa felt as though a weight had been lifted from his brain. Was he going mad? No. He shook his head and began to walk towards Saiki's house.

Saiki was currently upstairs working in some homework when his mother called him.

"Saiki!" She shouted.

"Yes mom." He replied.

"Can you take out the trash please?"

"Sure." He placed his pencil down next to the worksheet on his desk and made his way out of the room, downstairs and into the kitchen. From there, he picked up the trash bag and took it outside to the bin. He reached the bin, placed the bag inside it, and dragged it to the end of the driveway for collection.

"Saiki." Came a voice from next to him. Saiki jumped, but did not scream. Instead, he swung around to see who had spoke and readied himself for a fight.

"Chill Saiki, it's me." Nagisa whispered, taking a step into the light so the boy could see his face. "I don't have long, but I need you to do something for me. Tomorrow, after school, bring yourself, Michio, Fujikawa and Shizuka to this address." He handed Saiki a piece of paper. "I will explain everything when you get there. I need your help with something."

From there, Nagisa turned around and walked away. It seemed to Saiki that he just disappeared into the dark of the night.

The next day, after Karasuma Sensei finished the class and handed out yet another homework sheet, Saiki caught up with Shizuka, Michio and Fujikawa.

"Guys," he began, "Nagisa Sensei has requested us to go to this address."

He showed them the paper Nagisa handed him the previous night. Michio eyed it thoughtfully.

"Thats a house in a richer area. I know cause I pass the area on my way to school sometimes if I am meeting Fujikawa." This comment caused Shizuka to frown. No one noticed however.

"I wonder who lived there?" Fujikawa said.

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Are you guys in?" Saiki asked. The three others nodded and they began the journey to the meeting point.

Half an hour later, they arrived outside the address and realised it was, as Michio had said, a large house in a well off area. Saiki strode up to the door and rang the doorbell. Half a minute later, the door opened a crack and the students could see a blue eye staring at them from behind the door.

"Oh, it's you guys." They heard a hushed voice say. "Come in."

The person let go of the door and walked back into the house. The students pushed the door open fully and followed him. After closing the door, they turned around to see Nagisa stood in the hallway.

"Sensei? You live hear?" Shizuka asked.

"Yeah. It originally belonged to my boyfriend's parents, but they, err, left it to us."

"So why have you brought us here?" Michio asked.

"I regret to do this, but I need your help with something. This crazy man has kidnapped all my old friends apart from two, and has already killed one of them."

The students gasped.

"I want, no, I need your help."

"Our help? Why is?" Shizuka asked.

"Because you are all very skilled fighters. I see during our sparring lessons. During every assassination attempt you throw at me. You guys are talented, and I need that talent."

"Yeah, I understand why you brought Michio and Fujikawa in, but why me or Saiki?" Shizuka asked.

"Saiki may be the best out of all of the class. And you, well I have a special job which I believe you will excel at. Come. Follow me. I'll explain my plan when the other get back. In the meantime. Coffee?"

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