(2-2) Redemption Begins

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Nagisa left his house the following morning in a good mood. The best mood he had been in all week in fact. This was because Karma had managed to convince him that everything was going to work out well in the end. He did, after all, have his feelings restored for Korosensei shortly after his big revelation about his past. The difference was that winter break was just after the infodump so Korosensei didn't have to see his students worried faces. Nagisa, on the other hand, still had to.

He was also at peace about the situation with Ren. Karma was on the case and Nagisa knew an answer would be found. Karma never failed at anything, and although that sometimes annoyed Nagisa, it was a blessing not a curse.

Natsumi left her house annoyed and in a rush. She had woken up late, barely had anytime to get ready, and had left the house in what she deemed to be a sub-optimal state. By that, she means she had barely put any make-up on or brushed her hair. Both of which, she attempted to do on the way to school. It may seem difficult, but she had done it before many times. This wasn't her first time oversleeping.

What would be completely new to her, however, would be what happened on the way to school.

She took a short cut through a rough area of town. It was the morning and a lot of people were about so she didn't think anything bad was about to happen. That was untill she saw the road up ahead was completely blocked by road works. She cursed under her breath and took a detour down a nearby alley.

She was now completely alone. She didn't want to to go this way, but if she tried to go a different route she would be late for school. Normally she wouldn't care about these things, but she was scared of Nagisa Sensei and she worried if he would be strict.

She hurried down the alley at a brisk pace untill she turned the corner and walked straight into a tall man. The man looked down at her and smirked.

"Boys. This is the one I say."

After he said that, several boys of all shapes and sizes walked out of smaller alleyway's either side of her until she became completely surrounded.

"Please," she murmured, "I have money if that's what you want. I will give you everything I have, just please. Let me go."

The leader said nothing for a time. Then, he laughed very loudly. It was a deep belly laugh that Natsumi knew he was putting on just to make a point.

It was one of the boys behind her that spoke up.

"Oh, it's not your money we want." He sniggered, approaching Natsumi's back and running his fingers through her hair. This made her feel incredibly uncomfortable.

"Don't touch me!" Natsumi shouted as she whipped round and smacked the boy across the face. This caused the leader to laugh even more. The next words that came out if his mouth were woven with malice.

"Awww, does the mouse wanna roar? Shall we tell you what we do with mouses that roar?"

Natsumi gulped. She had no idea what their next move would be, but she knew it wasn't good. The leader of the gang approached her. He got so close that her face was almost touching his chest. The man placed his hand under Natsumi's chin and lifted her head up so he could look her in the eye.

"Your lucky. We are not going to kill you like we did with that boy the other day. No. You, mouse, are far too pretty. Were going to take you back to our hangout then me and the boys are going to have a little fun. Is that clear?"

Natsumi gulped and nodded. She didn't want to go with them, but if she tried to resit they would probably kill her. Her greatest chance at survival would be to let them do whatever they wanted to her and then hopefully chuck her out to the street. The gang leader turned around and walked off, the rest of the gang followed, pushing Natsumi along.

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