(3-10) Art Attack

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Sugaya could tell Aya was in a bad mood as he saw her walk up the path towards him. Sugaya was her out of school art teacher. They had my when he had walked through a feild, trying to find something to paint, but found that Aya had beaten him to the spot. She was good, not great yet, but certainly good. He knew she had potential and that's why he offered to tutor her, an offer she gladly accepted.

The pair of them had become friends while they had been meeting for art lessons. She told him everything about school, including the assassination game that her teacher was playing with them. She had told him the night before about their big assassination plan and how there was no way that it could go wrong.

Sugaya knew that the thing she was upset about was that the assassination plan had failed. He hadn't told her yet, but he knew Nagisa and he knew that the little blueberry would not go down very easily. He also had his past experiences to rely on. The students plan seemed very similar to his own plan on Okinawa. He knew that plan had failed, and they had more people, more firepower. He had been sure Nagisa would find a way to avoid 'death' this time.

"Sugaya. Our big assassination plan failed." She whimpered, before sinking to the floor and burying her face in her hands. Sugaya sat down next to her and and placed an arm around her for comfort.

"Listen, Aya, I need to tell you something." He began. "I went to school with your teacher. We were in the same class. You remember how he told you about how we had to assassinate our teacher for real?"

Aya nodded.

"Well, we had a big assassination plan at the end of our first year. We were sure it would work. We had planned everything, even down to the smallest detail. Yet, we failed due to something we couldn't of foresaw. We were devastated. Despite that, however, we pressed on. We killed our teacher and saved the world. I know how you are feeling right now Aya. It will get better. Push through this just as I did and you will manage to assassinate Nagisa Sensei."

By this point, Aya had stopped crying and had wiped all tears from her eyes.

"You. You went to school with my teacher?" She whispered. Sugaya nodded. "And he failed?"

"Why are you so surprised about that? Everyone fails."

"It's just, he seemed completely calm. He was unafraid that he may lose. It was sorta disconcerting how little he showed emotion at possibly losing. It's hard to believe he was once in the same place we were."

"Yep. Exactly the same place."

"Apart from he was smart?"

"Weeeellll, no. He was in E class, the bottom of the barrel. He rose up through society, just like the rest of us. I'm sure you will do the same."

"Thanks art senpai'." She said, now smiling. This caused Sugaya to laugh slightly.

"Art senpai'?" He queried.

"Yeah, we have noodle senpai' who runs Koronoodle and we have art senpai', which is you."

This caused Sugaya to laugh even more. So she knows Muramatsu. I wonder what he's been getting up to recently. I'll have to pay him a visit.

"Now, let's get to art." He announced.

Elsewhere in Japan, a man received a phone call.

"We have on the last one sir, but he has a child with him. What should we do?" The person from the other end of the line asked.

"Whatever you please. I don't give a shit about children. I just need him." The man growled.

"O-ok sir." The other man said as he hung up. The first man smiled. Almost there.

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