(3-2) Not Again

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Yuuma Isogai woke up in a bed that wasn't his. He knew this before he opened his eyes. The sent was different, the feel of the bed foreign, yet both were familiar. He opened his eyes to solve the mystery that had presented itself to him.

He recognised the room. He had been here many times before, been in this situation many times before. He was unsure how he got here. It all started with a few drinks the night before at that party, then a conversation, and then....

He sighed. He had done it again. He had told himself that he would not fall for her ever again, but he seemed to have broke his own promise. But, then again, it was to be expected. He had made this promise many times before and broken it every time.

Megu Kataoka knew that some one else was in her bed when she woke up. She didn't even have to open her eyes to find out who it was. She knew how many times this had happened before. Every time was the same. A party, some drinks and a conversation with a specific male always got her in this position. She had told herself many times before that she didn't need him and only liked him as a friend, but her heart differed from her head.

Isogai could feel Kataoka's slow breaths on the back of his neck. He then felt her arms wrap around him, bringing him into an embrace.

"Back here are we?" She asked.

"It appears so." Isogai replied. His body was in turmoil. His brain said to get himself out of here as quickly as possible. His heart begged him to stay. His brain reminded him of all the past times when their relationship broke down and returned to friendship. His heart fought back, images of her flowing through his mind followed by how much he liked her.

Isogai turned around in bed untill he was face to face with his girlfriend. They kissed. It was a long, passionate kiss.

Now, this seems pretty out if character for these two right? If you asked any other E class member, they would agree. They would never have expected Isogai and Kataoka to become the passionate type in a relationship. Or, to get so drunk they end up sleeping with each other. But, that was what happened. They had got together exactly five times so far. This would be the sixth. Each time started with the same thing. They would get a little tipsy, confess their love for each other and wake up the next morning in bed together unsure of what happened, but definite in their feelings for one another. This relationship would go on for a few months before the pair realised they were better of as friends and would prefer to focus on their studies. However, within a few months, another party would happen and they would both get dragged back into the cycle.

After disconnecting his lips from Kataoka's, Isogai climbed out of bed, got dressed, and found his way to the kitchen. Bacon was the cure for a hangover,  a fact which they had proved many times.

"You're so sweet Yuumi." Kataoka said quietly. Yuumi was her nickname for him when they were together. (It's pronounced you-me, definitely not yummy.)

Yummi smiled at this comment. Yep. He had well and truly got back into the cycle of Kataoka. It was a cycle that he was both glad and annoyed to be a part of.

Any doubts about their relationship were quickly destroyed when Megu walked up behind Yuumi and hugged him, planting a kiss in his neck.

"I'll go have a shower, try not to peek." She winked at him. Isogai could never get over how much of a flirt she could get. It seemed completely out of character for her, but he enjoyed it.

A short while later, Megu was done on the shower and the pair sat eating breakfast together. They had to rush slightly due to the fact they had slept in a little late and they had classes to attend. Most people would be finished for the week, hence the party the night before, but a few students had extra weekend classes.

Maehara looked at his watch for the fifth time. Where was he, it's not normally like Isogai to be late. The reason for this lateness made itself apparent when he saw Isogai and Kataoka round the corner, hand in hand. Maehara sighed. He's gone and dine it again hasn't he. You would think he would learn. Apparently not.

Kataoka released her boyfriend's hand and walked off to join her friends, leaving Isogai to the company of Maehara.

"What do you think you're doing then?" The ginger man said.

"I appear to have gotten back together with Kataoka." He said quietly. "I know what you are going to say, so don't bother."

"Fine. Just don't blame me when she dumps you and you come back to our appartement crying again."

"Hey! I only did that once."

"You still did it."

"Ok, just because you have a one year ongoing relationship with Okano doesn't mean you can pretend to be some kind of relationship guru."

"Well, I must know a thing or two about then in order to have kept this going for so long."

"Fair enough. But please, I know what I am getting myself into. If I get upset, it's my fault."

"Suit yourself." And with that, the pair walked into class together, ready to learn, it in Isogai and Kataoka's case, cast glances at each other and blush.

Somewhere else in Japan, a man smiled and scratched his chin. Another two down. It was almost like they were wanting to be taken.  One had gotten away, but they would be found shortly he was sure.

He walked into the other room and removed another two pictures from his board. Earlier today, he had received calls that his other agents were in position. One in London, the rest in Japan. The man's plan was coming along quite nicely.

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